11 Signs That May Indicate Scoliosis

Scoliosis is characterized by a? S? Shaped lateral curvature of the spine, which can affect health and leave the body out of alignment, as it is correct to have the spine fully vertical, as if a line were drawn with a ruler. The problem can cause discomfort, breathing problems and even walking.

Some people with scoliosis have a mild case and therefore do not notice this curve. Also, contrary to what many people think, back pain is not the most obvious sign. The correct thing is to observe some very subtle symptoms, which are usually not related to the problem.

According to experts, it is important to pay attention to these signs and, if you notice anything, see a doctor who will do an X-ray to determine if you do have scoliosis and, if appropriate, prescribe some options for treatment. Here are some of these signs:

1. One of your shoulders is taller than the other.

An easy way to detect scoliosis is to simply look in the mirror, stand straight, and check if one of your shoulders appears to be taller than the other. Scoliosis often begins in early childhood during a growth phase, and the curvature of the spine changes the natural alignment of the shoulders.

2. The chest bone appears more on one side

Along with jagged shoulders, you may notice that your ribcage appears more than one side. This is due to the abnormal curve of the spine, which shifts to the side and creates a change in associated structures such as the pelvis and ribcage, giving it an uneven appearance.

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3. One of your legs looks shorter

If the spine is bent, it can make one leg appear shorter than the other. You can notice this by noting if your pants always look different on each leg or if one hem is dragging on the floor while the other doesn't.

4. Your shirts are always wrinkled on one side

Of course, wrinkles do not necessarily mean scoliosis, but if you realize that this always happens, it can be a very subtle sign. This is because scoliosis can cause a? Hump? in the back, with one side standing out more than the other. If this hunchback is making the shirt lean on the chair all day, but only on one side, you will probably notice more wrinkles in that area.

5. One sleeve is always longer than the other

If you have not noticed much difference in the pants legs, you may notice that one shirt sleeve is always longer than the other, regardless of the size you buy. Depending on the location of the curve, the shoulders may be uneven. Changes in posture may also give the impression that one sleeve is shorter than the other.

6. Your shoes get more worn on one side than the other

As the curved spine displaces your pelvis, this can cause you to walk without alignment, which leads to uneven wear on a patient's shoes. Observe the sole mainly below the toes or at the back of the heel.

7. Strange to carry bags or backpacks

If your back is curved, one side of the body will be lower than the other, which can cause subtle changes in the way your clothes look on the body as well as the way you carry a bag or backpack. If you prefer to hold the bag on one side and not the other, or are constantly adjusting your bag while walking, this may be a sign.

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8. Sometimes you feel awkward when walking

Again, because of the relationship between scoliosis, posture, and walking, you may notice that you do not swing your arms in the same way. This is because decreasing arm space on the bend side can affect arm swing with walking.

9. Do you have chronic muscle pain

If your body is slightly out of alignment, some unpleasant pains may arise because the muscles end up tight or weak over time.

10. You always lean to one side while standing

While it's comfortable to bend your knees and bend a little while standing, make sure you are constantly putting more weight on one leg than the other. Scoliosis creates pelvic imbalances that often facilitate asymmetrical position with more weight on one foot, or always with one behind the other.

11. Sometimes it's hard to breathe

If you feel a little uncomfortable when you take a deep breath, or sometimes a little suffocated, it may be due to scoliosis, which limits the expansion of the rib cage.

The sooner you notice these signs and begin treatment, the better.There are several ways to deal with the problem, such as physical therapy, posture support devices, support brace, exercises to reduce the pressure on the muscles and bones associated with the spine, among others.

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