The Coaching Process and Obesity

According to the Ministry of Health, about 30% of children in our country have overweight and half of them are obese. About 13% of the adult population is obese and 48% is overweight. Data such as these are alarming because obesity can trigger diseases that require serious treatments such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, among other pathologies.

People around the world are looking for a way to deal with weight, and often end up on unbalanced diets, producing the famous concertina effect, an ever-worsening weight-loss cycle that leads to body dissatisfaction and emotional.

Coaching is a process that offers success in this search for thin weight, because it provides resources that lead the individual to mobilize, to commit to this desire.

We all have internal resources, but we often don't realize how valuable they are, and how we can reverse those resources to pursue our dreams.

Putting our knowledge into practice, materializing what arouses our desire, enhancing results, is the great goal of coaching.

Coaching is a process that leads you to achieve results, through work that rescues your potential, will be able to carry out projects, achieving amazing results in any area of ​​your life.

When directed to weight loss, will make it easier to set clear goals that can deliver results through specific actions. Losing weight requires commitment and action, but often there is no internal and external motivation to achieve these results, and through Coaching we will focus on action leading to major personal transformations.

As it is an ongoing process, it can lead to a satisfactory end result, being present as a compass, leading the customer to reach his or her maximum potential.

Training Obese Clients (April 2024)

  • Wellness, Diets
  • 1,230