How to start saving money if you are not an economic person

All people who can save some money a month consider themselves saving. But there are professional savers, with whom you can learn some ways to save even more money.

This involves basic things like not buying on impulse, controlling the budget, having a set amount to spend per month. And also other simple techniques that can make a difference.

Even who is a spender? by nature you can change that and save a little more. Here are some tips:

1. Schedule an automatic transfer for savings

The idea is that once you get paid, you put some money into your savings before you pay for anything else. It's great in theory. But in practice, it is common to leave it for later and eventually end up spending, since the money is there. Therefore, the tip is to leave an automatic transfer scheduled on the day of payment.

2. Have accounts in different banks

Having a checking account in one bank and savings in another helps keep savings "out of reach" as you won't be dealing with that bank's day to day accounts. It also keeps you from seeing your balance at all times and is tempted to shift a little into daily spending.

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TIP: Finding a bank that does not cover fees and other fees may be a good option not to exchange one expense for another!

3. Know the triggers that trigger your spending

Some people, situations or stores may simply make you open your wallet and buy everything. Once you know what triggers your spending, you can easily take actions to avoid them. It may be the stress of work, for example. In this case, seeking a routine that will help alleviate this nervousness will also make the desire to buy lessen.

4. Think before you act

Before you buy something, ask yourself, "Does it bring me joy?", "Do I really need this?" Whatever it is, stop and think about it. These questions help you reflect and understand if the purchase is being unreasonable or if it is really something that will make a difference in your life.

5. Set big goals

A trip abroad or some other grandiose plan may be the missing motivation to save and save money. Think that by doing so, you will be closer to making your dream a reality. Having an exciting goal helps you review priorities when shopping.

6. Adopt digital solutions

Technology can be an ally. There are several apps that can help you save money and control spending. It is an extra and great incentive for those who can't organize finances very well.

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7. Use the 1% technique

Behavioral economics shows that there are small attitudes that need to be put in place to prevent people from sabotaging their own financial future. A tip from Nobel laureate Richard Thaler is so-called staggering, an option that increases by 1% a year how much you save. If you can, you can do it in a few months or as convenient. In a short time it is possible to double the value saved.

None of these attitudes are complicated or require major lifestyle changes. These are small things that can be done to help you make better decisions about how to spend and save money.

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