I want to practice physical exercise, but what about the hair?

We have always heard about the benefits of physical activity, a subject debated in many media outlets, and a constant medical advice. Nowadays with stress and poor diet, taking care of health is one of the focuses that are being debated to increase the quality of life.

Many people would like to practice some sport, but there is often a real impediment that makes it impossible for us, like some diseases, serious joint problems, but surprisingly a new difficulty has been an obstacle in some women's lives, the hair.

But impediments do not always occur for health reasons. US scientists have just discovered that hair style can prevent women from joining in a physical activity. That's right, today's women don't want to ruin their hairstyle.

A survey published by the British Daily Mail newspaper explained that women who tend to straighten their hair are less likely to engage in physical activity than those who have more practical hairstyles.

Regina Benjamin, a physician at US Surgeon General, pointed out that many end up avoiding physical activity because it would ruin the brush. “They say sweat would ruin the hairstyle. When you start exercising, do you look for reasons to stop and hair can be one of the excuses?

Emma Williams, a doctor at the British Nutrition Foundation, suggested that one way to get rid of the problem is to look for exercises that don't lead to intensive sweating, such as walking.

That's because allied to vanity, women's hair is a highlight, which gives all special charm, and is even an important aspect at the time of seduction. Practicality is at the forefront today, and straightening has come to this end to make it easier for women who need to be groomed in the shortest possible time, ready for a meeting, a party or even a social event without much work and expense. .

The culture of beauty is installed in our society, as well as everything that is quickly resolved, due to the lack of time and the rush of the present day that demands everything ready. Thus we see that the culture of beauty still prevails even if it fails to bring health and well-being benefits.

The above study points out that we can find other ways to exercise the body that produce less sweat or even interleaving the days according to which hair needs to be fixed, so the practical meets the ideal for health.

In addition to hiking we have the option of pilates, yoga, gymnastics, among other modalities.

Ideally, one can find within the proposals of the major gyms a way to exercise feeling good and not ruin the hair brush.

Factors in Resuming Exercise after a Hair Transplant, and Faster Return from Non-Surgical Treatment (May 2024)

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