Learn how to disguise slender legs

Many women suffer from thinking their legs are too thin and try their best to make them more shapely. But gym and food do not always solve this situation. The truth is that, depending on the person's biotype, they will probably always have their legs thicker than other people, as each has a different body structure.

However, an alternative way to deal with this difference without having to change anything in the body is by using fashion tricks to disguise slender legs. And the secret is in choosing the right pieces to make up the look.

The first tip on how to disguise slender legs is to value the tops. A bolerinho or light-colored blouse will draw more attention to your lap, drawing attention away from your legs. However, it is important to note that one cannot overdo the upper piece as this can create an even thinner legs feel and make the silhouette triangular in shape.

Another suggestion for how to thicken your legs is to let you use larger parts on your lower body. Invest in round skirts, ballet, cut-to-length pieces and knee length dresses. In addition, you can also wear sweatpants or sports fabrics, which because they are wider also lead to the expected result.

Try to use more light parts on the lower body and dark parts on the top. This way you create a balance between the legs and the trunk. Also bet on using belts to cut the silhouette and avoid the vertical prints to escape the elongated silhouette. On your feet, put on a nice shoe with a more rounded toe, and if possible, choose those with ankle straps to increase the impression of fuller legs.

Keep in mind that your look needs to balance your body parts, accept your slender legs with confidence and tailor your wardrobe to your needs. That way you can go around parading your beautiful legs without fear of being happy.

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