Money Lies That Can Destroy Your Marriage

Lies can end any marriage. They destroy trust and this can gradually cool the relationship. And it could not be different with the finance lies.

Falling into this mess and ending up omitting some facts for your husband is more normal than you might think and for you not to throw your marriage away for money we have listed the top 5 financial slips you should avoid to save fights in marriage.

1 ? Lying the price of something you bought

One of the most common lies among couples is that they paid a lower price for something that was much more expensive. Even couples who separate finances can have problems because of this kind of truth change.

If you paid a certain amount for a product you really wanted, don't lie to your spouse. Tell him how important that was to you and do not omit the true value.

2 ? Hide your shopping trips

If you are going out to buy clothes, shoes or anything else, the best thing to do is to let him know about it. After all, would you like him to hide that he bought something new from you? Or who went to the bar? Be honest and do not omit your visits to the mall. Remember that lies don't last long and someone can see you there and end up telling your husband. To avoid problems, tell him.

3? Omit financial problems

If you are going through a bad time in your financial life, share the matter with your mate. He can be a good partner and support you in this difficult time. Don't try to hide it from him and try to solve everything yourself. If you are together, that means you can share both good times and bad times, right?

4? Lying or omitting your real gain

This is another mistake that many couples make. One says he earns less than he actually earns, the other says he earns more than the real salary. Whether to increase or decrease the value of what you earn, none of the lies are worth it. If you earn little and can't contribute much to the house bills, talk to him and come to some agreement. If you earn more, try to put individualism aside and collaborate a little more? after all you can.

5? Hide a secret account

If we could measure the degree of lies, they would all be bad, but this is even worse. A couple must be an accomplice and be based on companionship. If you have a big fortune and you don't trust it, protect it with a contract before you get married. But avoid hiding from him that you have more possessions and your own accounts.

It is noteworthy that it is not only women who make these mistakes in marriage, but both should avoid and discourage these attitudes. THE lie leads to distrust and that can be the ruin of a relationship even if it is solid and well structured. So keep an eye out and avoid sabotaging your own marriage.

10 Things That Can Destroy A Marriage (March 2024)

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