Men also fake orgasm

It is widely said that women fake orgasm and this can happen for several reasons. One is that most of the time a woman doesn't want to hurt her partner's pride, so she pretends to be satisfied with sex when she really isn't.

The woman needs many stimuli, especially emotional ones, to feel pleasure. While man needs more visual and physical stimuli. It is therefore easier for a man to have pleasure even when stressed than for a woman to reach orgasm under these conditions.

Although many believe that only women fake orgasm, it is possible that men do too. Orgasm and ejaculation, being two different responses of the body to pleasure, can occur independently of each other.

Since orgasm is a subjective sense of pleasure, it's hard to know if your partner really felt or just pretended to have felt.

Thus, it can be said that even when a man does not ejaculate during sex and says he has had an orgasm he is telling the truth. As well, it may be that when he ejaculates, he has not had an orgasm, but has given signs that he has.

So it's hard to be categorical in saying that he faked or didn't fake orgasm in these situations. However, it is important to remember that if you are in a relationship, it is assumed that you are being true to each other, so there is no need to fake orgasm for either the woman or the man.

But what were the reasons for a man to fake orgasm? Perhaps he also does not want the woman to feel that she cannot pleasure him and would rather pretend that he is pleased not to make her sad or low in self-esteem.

This little lie in bed can get in the way or even end the relationship, so is it really worth faking orgasm? Instead of pretending, it is more advisable to show your partner what pleases you and investigate what pleasures him so that you two can satisfy each other in your sex life.

If you yourself do not know how to enjoy yourself, try to know yourself through masturbation. This practice not only lets you know exactly the points to be touched to reach orgasm but also stimulates your psychological so that you let your sexuality surface even more. In addition, masturbation makes the sensation of pleasure part of your life, which can increase your sexual appetite, improving the quality of your sex.

Finally, in relationships and sex, communication is essential. If you can tune into bed where you know what the other wants and what satisfies the other, the chances of a successful sex life are increasing. So talk, don't hide the true facts and benefit from an even more enjoyable life.

Do Guys Fake Orgasms? (April 2024)

  • Orgasm, Relationships, Sex
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