
THE mesotherapy, popularly known as application of enzymes, is another aesthetic treatment in the arsenal of medicine.

Medicines (not enzymes) applied to fat or skin are used. Suitable for mitigating cellulite, localized fat or stretch marks, each type of treatment has a mix of medicines of its own.

Many act in reducing swelling, others in increasing metabolism, or in improving circulation and dissolving fat.

They are usually indicated for mild cases of cellulite or localized fat and should always be associated with exercise and nutritional guidance.

The treatment is done with at least ten sessions, ranging from one to two times a week in most cases.

The goal is the mitigation, not the resolution of the lesion, and the success of treatment is directly related to the patient's commitment to nutritional and lifestyle habits. There is no miracle in the fight against fats, but patients who are willing to follow the treatment often reap good results.

Review of Mesotherapy treatment at Medicetics clinic (April 2024)

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