Plush vest

Among the big bets of the season is a piece that can transform a simple and basic production into a sophisticated and attractive look. The plush vest will be one of the darling pieces of this winter. One of the reasons to invest in the piece is to be able to combine it with jeans or shorts, skirts, dresses, leggings and even tailoring pants.

How to wear plush vest

To escape the basics by wearing the double jeans and white T-shirt, just complement with the plush vest and high heels. If you want a more romantic look, bet on the combination of loose dress with the vest and feet, all the comfort of the shoes.

Party dresses are even more striking when worn with a plush vest on top. Take advantage of the tip to use at parties and special events on colder days.

To be fashionable when the cold comes, just take a few tips and use creativity to assemble stylish plush vest looks. But at the time of overlapping with the plush vest, be careful about overinformation.

Avoid wearing very cute vests with bulky blouses or shirts with collars and necklaces all at the same time. They blend better with more basic productions underneath. In a similar situation, there are jackets with applications, which do not interact very well with very flashy prints.

Knowing how to make the right combination, the plush vest has everything to make any look super current and modern.

Denim Scraps to Teddy Bear Vest - Scrappy Transformations Ep. 2 (April 2024)

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