Replace food and lighten your diet

To have a healthier eating And following a diet without having to feel hungry, you need to do a dietary education, replacing some calorie foods with lighter ones.

A lot of people wrinkle at hearing about it, unaware that a light diet It does not need and should not only consist of salad. It's possible replace food by others who satisfy hunger and yet bring many health benefits.

Make good eating choices


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so try to consume light and healthy foods and give a feeling of satiety. Prefer to exchange bread for wholemeal toast with curd or a slice of white cheese.

Fruits are nutritious and great to accompany the first meal of the day. They can be consumed in the form of juices or fruit salad. Avoid adding sugar, sour cream or condensed milk to the fruit salad, prefer its natural sugar. If you want a supplement, add milk flour, oatmeal, granola or other cereals to make your fruit salad even tastier.

The cereal bar is also a great alternative to keeping your breakfast healthier, especially on days when you don't have time to enjoy a more elaborate meal.

Whole milk should be replaced by skim milk, which has a lower amount of saturated fat, which in excess raises the levels of bad cholesterol. Natural yogurt helps in the proper functioning of the body and is a good option for those with milk intolerance. When having a cup of coffee or tea, avoid using sugar and replace with a few drops of sweetener.


For a healthier lunch, try to consume more colorful dishes. You can eat a little of everything as long as you don't overdo it. Prefer to eat plenty of seasoned vegetables, natural sauces, replace traditional rice with brown rice and black beans with white or carioca.

Fatty meats can be exchanged for grilled fillets, salt refined for sea salt and fried foods for roasts. Change the vegetable oil for olive oil, either to season the salad, as well as to prepare hot meals and fried foods. In addition to being much healthier, including olive oil in your meals helps combat many health problems.

Avoid excessive consumption of carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Prefer natural juices without sugar or drink water.

Snacks between meals

Not to feel hungry throughout the day, a break every three hours is ideal. Making small snacks helps not to overdo meals. So when you get the urge to eat some junk food, control yourself and try to switch your calorie foods to healthier ones.

Eat fruit, yogurt with granola and cereals, cereal bar, gelatin, wholemeal cookie or natural sandwich. Avoid sugars as much as possible, but if this is an almost impossible mission, try to eat in a controlled manner.

Instead of attacking the candy box, be satisfied with just one. No eating the whole stuffed cookie package, just two units are essential to kill the urge. Instead of eating a large piece of cake, replace it with a thinner slice.


At dinner, eat lighter meals, such as a natural snack or a fuller salad. Betting on a more elaborate dish can also, but provided without exaggeration. Replace fatty meats with grilled meat and lighter pasta with natural gravy, all to keep you from feeling heavy.

For dessert, prefer the fruits. They have natural sugar, which quenches the urge to eat very calorie sweets.

20 Healthy Food Swaps | Easy Food Life Hacks (April 2024)

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