Ringworm? causes, prevention and treatment

Contrary to what many people believe, ringworm is not a problem that only affects the nails. It can also affect skin and hair, especially in warmer seasons such as summer. Know everything you need about it to avoid it and treat it correctly.

Which is?

Ringworm is an infection caused by different types of fungi, microorganisms that have existed in the wild for millions of years and are found in virtually every environment, developing most easily in hot and humid places. They are in permanent contact with the surface layer of our skin, and live in balance with our body, but when they can penetrate our body, they cause an infection, ringworm.

Mycoses develop most frequently in the nails, skin and scalp, areas where there is a greater amount of keratin, food of the fungus. In addition to these sites, they can also develop in body parts such as the groin, hands, feet, trunk and limbs, neck, genitals, and mucous membranes.

In addition to discomfort, ringworm also causes aesthetic changes and facilitates the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body.

What are the symptoms?

The signs of ringworm are uncomfortable and vary according to the type and extent of the problem. The most common symptoms are itching, changes in the skin with the appearance of red and peeling spots, cracks and cracks between the toes and deformed and painful nail spots.

The so-called white cloth may appear on the skin, characterized by white spots and peeling on the trunk, chest and back, the chilblains or athlete's foot, which cause itching, redness and painful cracks between the toes and reddish spots on the skin. body folds such as armpits and groins. In the nails, ringworm makes them thicker, brittle and whitish. On the scalp there may be minor injuries, peeling and itching.

How does contamination occur?

Humid and warm environments are ideal for fungal development and reproduction. Therefore, beach, pool, sauna, bathrooms and changing rooms are among the places that most favor contamination. This is because moisture makes the skin thinner and therefore more susceptible to fungal penetration. Thus, when attending these places, redouble attention.

How to prevent?

The best way to prevent mycosis is to keep your personal hygiene up to date. Avoid lending your personal effects such as a towel, slipper, clothes, shoes, and hairbrush, which can be a contamination channel if shared by contaminated people.

Avoid getting barefoot, dry your body well, especially between the toes, under the breasts, underarms and groins and do not get wet clothes too long, if you sweat a lot, always have a spare.

Have your own nail kit with nail pliers, scissors and sandpaper, and always keep them sterile. At the salon, make sure the manicurists perform the procedure correctly.

Pets may also transmit ringworm, so at any sign of change in hair or peeling, see your veterinarian.

Avoid wearing tight clothes and shoes and whenever possible, prefer cotton socks and t-shirts.

At home, keep environments always clean and dry to prevent fungal growth.

At any sign of ringworm, see a doctor to make the diagnosis and indicate the best treatment.

How to treat?

The treatment of ringworm also depends on the type of fungus, the extent and the region affected. These days, there are quite effective options for eliminating the problem quickly. Skin mycoses, for example, can be treated within 1 to 4 weeks, while nail mycoses take a little longer to treat, and may take up to six months.

After medical diagnosis, topical remedies, ointments and sprays are prescribed, but in more complex situations, oral remedies are required.

If ringworm is suspected, avoid self-medication, only a healthcare professional can diagnose the exact problem, as some bacterial infections may have ringworm-like symptoms.

Fungal Disease Awareness: Think Fungus! (May 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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