The 4 Worst Foods You Can Give Your Children

Admittedly, every child has a number of concerns. As parents we need to think about the education of the little ones, whether they are dedicating themselves to school and studies, thinking about leisure and the friends with whom their children live and are in good health.

However, thinking about what children are eating is often a forgotten function, but fundamentally, as a quality diet brings good results and can avoid more serious problems such as childhood obesity.

But taking care of children's food goes beyond cutting sugar and fatty foods. So know what are the five worst foods you can give your children to take better care of what they are eating.

1 ? Chips, pizza, nuggets

It is common sense that chips, pizza and nuggets They are the favorite foods of most children. It is also known that they are not healthy foods and that if consumed too much are the first step to bad eating habits.

Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that this does not mean that these foods should be banned from the food of the little ones, but rather that the quantity and size of the portions should be considered.

It is also suggested that the preparation of these foods be adapted. Instead of chips, choose baked potato chips. The same can also be applied in the preparation of nuggets and hamburgers. Also, when preparing pizza, opt for leaner cheeses and try to add more vegetables like tomato, arugula or carrot.

2 ? Soft drink and industrialized juices

In addition to calls junk foods, soda is one of the great villains of infant feeding. However, little is known that processed juices can do just as badly, because some juice varieties contain only 10% natural pulp, while the other 90% are additives and sugar. Therefore, it is necessary to dose and opt as much as possible for natural juices, water and milk.

3? Sugary Cereals

Children's cereal boxes are attractive as far as the characters on the packaging are concerned, as well as the vitamins and minerals in that cereal. On the other hand, the amount of sugar is often higher than vitamins and minerals.

So opt for higher fiber and less sugar cereals and look for new options on the adult cereal shelf as well. Another option is to serve natural cereals such as oats, served with milk and fruits.

4? Processed Meat

Sausages and cold cuts, such as ham and salami, are processed meats filled with additives and sodium, which can contribute to heart disease and obesity and diabetes, problems that usually manifest in adulthood. That's why it's worth reducing your consumption and sticking to product labels to look for healthier options with less sodium and fat.

  • Children and adolescents
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