The dangers of excessive refrigerant consumption

Today soda has taken the place of water in the eating habits of many people. Some drink during meals and others during the day as a way of cooling off. But is soda really the most suitable liquid to drink so often?

The composition of sodas in general have caffeine, colorings, preservatives and acidulant, usually phosphoric acid. In addition, soft drinks bring large amounts of sugar and in the case of light, diet or zero, artificial sweeteners.

One of the dangers of excessive soda consumption is that the drink can irreparably damage your teeth. It is believed that the acidulant can cause dental erosion and excess sugar may be the main cause of tooth decay. However, this is still a very controversial issue, which generates different opinions on different experts.

Dental erosion, however, can be both beneficial and harmful to our teeth. Even the stomach itself has corrosive elements that cause erosion. However, the excess acidulant present in these drinks can aggravate this reaction, causing teeth sensitivity and bad appearance.

The health risks of soft drinks depend on some factors, such as frequency of consumption, eating habits, oral hygiene and others under which we have less control, such as the acid content of soft drinks, the amount and composition of saliva.

The mouth has bacteria that release acids when they consume the sugar in it. These acids can lead to a loss of minerals and the consequent appearance of tooth decay. Sugar-free sodas, in turn, have high concentrations of fermentable carbohydrates that can also lead to cavities.

Therefore, it is difficult to choose which type of soda can be freely consumed without restriction and that does not cause any problems. In this case, perhaps the best option is not to consume sodas or to greatly limit your intake.

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