Tips for getting kids to sleep

For many parents, the time to put their children to sleep is a real battle. Crying, complaints and requests to stay awake for a while are the most common behaviors of children who do not want to sleep.

Children who are slow to sleep or who wake up at night are also problems that make parents tired. Some of the reasons for this difficulty in getting children to sleep may be the lack of routine in the house or the habit of sleeping in their parents' bed.

Those who struggle with this every day should know that the ideal is not to make the child sleep, but to prepare the environment and create opportunities to make it happen. She must understand bedtime as a pleasurable moment.

The child must have times that must be repeated daily until they become habits and the whole family needs to collaborate to serve as an example for the child.

Set up a ritual: bath time, dinner time, play time. But beware, there is no point in laying down the rule that she needs to sleep at 10 pm if the house is still bustling, noisy and the bedroom light is on.

Parents should create a pleasant and peaceful environment. Using a lamp or lighted outlets is a good suggestion to make the environment cozy while still ensuring the child's safety if she gets up in the middle of the night.

Turn off the TV, close the windows, so the child goes relaxing. Storytelling, soft music, and talking about the day's events are also good strategies for putting children to sleep.

Can child sleep in parents bed?

Put the child to bed or crib, say good night, turn off the light and leave the room. She may cry, but honor this ritual and do not feel guilty for leaving her alone. The best is that each has their own space and child's place is in her room. This attitude should start early, because the longer the child sleeps with his parents, the harder it will be to remove this custom.

If your child is already used to it, it's time to change the situation. Beat the laziness and take it back to the bedroom. The task is not easy, it takes a lot of patience, perseverance to be put into practice, but it is worth it.

How To Get Kids To Sleep (April 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
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