Use hula hoop and alie workout with fun

Who never had fun playing hula hoop as a child? If you are part of the group of people who have already wobbled and know how much fun it is, you will surely enjoy this news. The hula hoop once thought of as a simple toy, even unknown to children today, has just become a great ally of women who want to have a slim waist, a slim, defined abdomen, and weight loss.

After making great success in pilates and circus classes, hula hoops are gaining more and more space in gyms, parks and even homes with choreographed classes and movements that help take care of the body in a fun way.

This is a relatively easy, low-intensity activity that can be practiced by almost anyone and requires little preparation and no physical effort, just a little space and a good deal of willingness.

Check out the main benefits of using this accessory and get ready to wobble around.

Thin waist and firm belly

The movements that are required to keep the hula hoop running around the waist work the oblique region of the abdomen and the entire region hard, leaving it firmer and stronger. Because exercise works the entire structure of the trunk and pelvic musculature, exercise also prevents lower back pain. A 30-minute hula hoop workout that mixes spinning and jumping can burn up to 200 calories.

Loosens the hip and improves the roll

For those with the hip attached, the hula hoop can be very effective in improving the roll, ensuring more swinging and cracking. This is because to rotate the hula hoop it is necessary to focus the movements in the waist region relieving all the pressure of the body and concentrating it in that region. For those who like to dance to rhythms like samba, which require a lot of swing, but have a hip attached, training with hula hoop can help to make the hip more loose.

Improves motor coordination and balance

Keeping the hula hoop spinning for several minutes in a row is not an easy task. It takes a lot of coordination, balance and concentration to strengthen the center of the body by contracting the abdominal muscles and maintaining the flow of movement that causes the body to rotate around a central axis. So if the hula hoop repeatedly falls to the ground, don't be discouraged. Get down and pick it up as often as necessary and start over. With practice, your motor coordination and balance improve and body movements become easier and more natural.

Tones the legs

In addition to rotating the hula hoop around the waist, some workouts mix the jumping movements between the arches to strengthen the muscles of the legs. In this exercise, physical endurance is critical to developing proper and balanced movement, but when done well, this exercise can help make your legs stiff. The longer and more jumps, the higher the caloric expenditure will be.

Another way to get toned legs using the hula hoop is to lie down with one of your legs. This technique requires a little more balance, but it also helps keep your legs shapely.

Tones the arms

The same technique of rotating the arches in the legs is also effective for toning the arms. The difference is that it should be done standing, but the idea is to keep the hula hoop rotating and alternating the arms and also the intensity of the movements, always being careful not to reach the face.

Relieves stress

Spinning the hula hoop is an activity that brings with it many elements of childhood, so more than an exercise, it is a practice that can be seen as a real joke to relieve the tensions of body and mind. You can do it anywhere, outdoors, alone, and even in the company of children, which certainly serves to combat stress and make the activity even lighter and more relaxed.

In addition to all these benefits, hula hoop activities also aid in burning calories, stretching the spine, increasing flexibility and improving posture. After the first fifteen minutes of exercise, the hula hoop already functions as aerobic exercise working on heart rate and physical endurance.

As it is a low intensity exercise, there are no contraindications to your practice, but if you already have a history of back, hip and knee pain, it is best to be aware and not overdo the intensity.

Currently, there are already different options, sizes and colors of hula hoops on the market.For the more experienced, there are models where it is possible to add water to increase weight and aerobic work. There are also models with magnetic balls that stimulate strategic points of the body. Choose yours and start practicing and having fun today.

Hula Hoop Weight Loss Method Workout & Exercise For Women & Men For Firm Body (May 2024)

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