10 essential attitudes for a better life

See which points in your life deserve a lot of attention and dedication and invest in them:

  1. Be more optimistic: According to a University of Pittsburgh study, optimists live longer and are less likely to have heart problems.
  2. Reduce sugar consumption: According to research at the University of Montreal, eating too much sugar and fatty foods causes chemical changes in the brain before obesity even sets in.
  3. Discover your food allergies: Many troublesome symptoms we have on a daily basis may have to do with what we eat. Headaches, gas and problems like these can originate from food intolerances. Take exams with your gastroenterologist and gain quality of life.
  4. Control your cortisol: We often worry about hormones such as estrogen and progesterone so much that we forget that we should take tests to assess the stress hormone level? the cortisol. If yours is high, try to change your habits and lead a healthier and more relaxing life. Change as necessary.
  5. Spend more time with your friends: According to psychologist Andrea Bonior, spending time with friends can reduce stress and keep depression and anxiety out of your life. Take a movie or go out to chat and eat something tasty, enjoy!
  6. Move yourself: Instead of doing all of your sitting activities, get moving while talking on the phone, walk or cycle to work, and add more movement to your daily life. A study from Oregon State University has shown that these movements, even for only half an hour a day, can help fight high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  7. Go to the dermatologist: At least once a year schedule an appointment with all the necessary exams from your dermatologist. Skin cancer is very common and is more likely to heal completely if treated early. Stay tuned and increase the frequency of tests if there are cases of cancer in the family and / or too much sun exposure.
  8. Balance work and personal life: Do not let your work take over your life. Avoid taking home service and only work overtime if it is needed. Each thing has its own time, do not mix both, as you may end up feeling that you are working 24 hours a day.
  9. Don't you want to? Hug the world ?: Learn to say no and choose what you want to do. Taking too many responsibilities and filling up with commitments will make you overwhelmed, stressed, and unlikely to be able to do everything with good quality.
  10. Respect to be respected: Attitudes like honking at everyone in traffic cause stress that even when not noticed, is felt by the body. Practice respect and empathy and you will realize that your days will be lighter and more enjoyable.

10 Habits Of All Successful People! (April 2024)

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