Narcolepsy: Sleeping Disease

THE narcolepsy It is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness during the day, even when the person slept well at night. The sleep attacks they are frequent, can occur at any time and in unusual situations: during a conversation, standing in a bus, during a dentist appointment, driving or operating machines, for example.

Normal sleep begins with slow waves and the disengagement of the body's muscle control. It is only about half an hour later that the person enters the so-called REM sleep phase, in which brain activity is intense and the eyes move. What happens to narcolepsy sufferers is that they jump from the slow-wave sleep stage to the REM sleep phase.

What causes narcolepsy?

Genetic factors are believed to be involved in causes of narcolepsy, which is characterized as a nervous system disorder.

For experts, the problem is caused by a change in the balance of some brain chemicals (neurotransmitters), which are mainly responsible for the emergence of REM sleep at inappropriate times.

Narcolepsy Treatment

Narcolepsy is not a life-threatening disease, but a life-long chronic condition that can be dangerous if episodes occur while driving, using machines, or doing similar activities, so it needs to be controlled.

There is no cure for narcolepsyTherefore, the goal of treatment is to contain the symptoms to reduce the number of attacks. In addition, it is necessary to make some lifestyle adjustments and learn to deal with the emotional effects of the disorder to improve social and work activities. Treating narcolepsy is also important to remove the label of lazy and sleeper that bothers people with the disorder.

Insomnia-causing habits and situations, such as inappropriate working hours, can make narcolepsy worse. Therefore, they should be avoided. Not eating heavy meals before important activities, moderating drowsiness-inducing alcohol, and scheduling brief naps (10-15 minutes) after meals are other interesting tips. Treatment of other sleep disorders may also improve the symptoms of the disorder.

O narcolepsy treatment It may also include stimulant medications, which help the patient stay awake. Those with narcolepsy may have driving restrictions, but this varies according to one's condition and a doctor's assessment.

Diagnosing Narcolepsy (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment, Sleep
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