Points Diet

Despite the many diets that come and go, fad diet is one of the best known. This diet is very easy as it does not restrict any food, not even the most caloric like sweets. Instead, the diet follows a table that converts food calorie values ​​into points, but of course it has a limit.

To eliminate up to 4 pounds in a month, it is ideal to consume a total of 320 points per day. As each point is worth 3.6 calories, almost 1200 calories are released daily.

The idea is that the person consumes the food they like, provided that in an adequate amount and that the points are not exceeded. So food control has to be very strict, you have to write down and count point by point for absolutely everything that is consumed during the day. That is, you can eat chocolate, but you will have to compensate throughout the day by choosing foods that are worth less points, such as fruits, for example.

If on the one hand you do not have to put aside some foods makes the point diet more attractive, on the other you need to be careful to maintain a balanced diet. The foods on the menu should be distributed proportionally among carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Experts indicate that the ideal is to set aside between 160 and 176 points for carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals, fruits, vegetables. For proteins present in meat, milk, cheese, yogurt and grains, the total should be between 33 and 50 points. Fats can add up to 96 points. Remember that in addition to oil, olive oil, butter and nuts, fat is embedded in various foods.

Meet the Points Diet Table

The dot diet chart can be found on various websites, making it easier to better understand how the dot diet works. Check out two addresses that bring up the points diet table:



CALORIE HACKS FOR FAST WEIGHT LOSS - Never "count" calories again (Point System) (May 2024)

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