Glycerin in Hair: Benefits, Tips, and Expert Recommendations

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Glycerin in hair is commonly used for hydration and hair definition purposes. As it has high ability to moisturize skin and hair, it is a darling of the cosmetics industry and is present in various shampoos, soaps and creams.

But after all, what is glycerin? Technically, it is a sugar alcohol and its extraction is from animal or vegetable sources and can also be synthesized. You can buy it in jars at the drugstore and she's pretty cheap! Learn how to use the product, its benefits, and see the recommendations of our guest dermatologist.

How to use glycerin on hair

There are several ways to use glycerin in your hair, but not all of them are good for your hair. Thus, we separated the most relevant recipes and tips, which were tested and approved by some women:

How to use glycerin on hair on hot and dry days

The use of glycerine in hair is recommended on humid days. But how do you enjoy its benefits on hot and dry days? Learn the trick in this video!

Read also: Avocado Hydration: 10 Recipes for Respectful Hair

Glycerin in Blonde Hair: Goodbye, Dry Hair!

If you have questions about how to use glycerin in blonde hair, Marília shares here the step by step to make your hair as hydrated as hers. Best of all, it's cheap!

Powerful glycerin recipe in curly hair

Hydrated and defined curls with a simple recipe? We have! Learn from Mari Morena the hydration that, for her, is the most potent of life!

Now that you know how to use glycerin in your hair, how about testing recipes and choosing your favorite one?

Read also: Glycerin is an ally of the beauty of skin and hair

6 Benefits Of Glycerin In Hair That Will Make Your Hair Even More Beautiful!

Ok, we already know how to use glycerin on hair. But what benefits will it bring to the wires? Dr. Lorena Visentainer (CRM 179092), our invited dermatologist, provides this information. Check it out:

  1. Helps in hydration: Glycerin has the power to attract water and is therefore responsible for moisturizing, lubricating and moistening the hair.
  2. Prevents hair dryness: By helping to moisturize the hair, the substance can make the hair less dry.
  3. Leaves the most defined wires: Due to its humectant effects, glycerin has the power to define the strands and is even more powerful for shaping curls.
  4. Reduces frizz: With less dry and more defined hair, the frizz, as a result, is also softened.
  5. Decreases wire breakage: The substance makes the wires more resistant to external aggressions, which attenuates the breakage of the wires.
  6. Reduces the formation of split ends: And finally, with less brittle wires, the split ends will give you a break too!

All of these benefits, according to the expert, come mainly from glycerin's potential to "pull out" the water. Therefore, it is indicated that the substance should be used preferably on humid days or in conjunction with water-based products, preventing the thread from losing water instead of retaining it.

Dermatologist clarifies doubts about glycerin in hair

To clarify any questions that may have been left, Dr. Lorena Visentainer (CRM 179092) gave us some more details. Next, she answers the main questions on the subject:

What is glycerin in hair for? According to the doctor, glycerin serves to moisturize the hair. However, she states that it is more common to use with additional bases or formulas, as it can have the opposite effect of hydration alone.

Glycerin decreases dandruff? According to Dr. Lorena, glycerin does not fight or decrease dandruff. She explains: • In the case of dandruff, should substances be used that are capable of reducing scalp grease or treating diseases that may be happening? ? and ends by warning that in severe cases, the ideal is to seek a dermatologist.

Also read: 8 Homemade Deep Moisturizing Recipes That Will Save Any Hair

Glycerin in the hair is bad? If used at wire length and in conjunction with water based products, it will do no harm. However, if applied directly to the scalp, it may cause irritation or increase oiliness and may even lead to hair loss.

Does Glycerin Work To Straighten Hair? For Dr. Lorraine, hair may look smoother with substance use, as it can reduce frizz and make it "heavier".

How often is it recommended to use glycerine in hair? There is no frequency to recommend, according to the doctor. What she says about this is: "I suggest doing it along with moisturizing the hair once a week."

If used as recommended, glycerin will make your hair even more beautiful. So, enjoy and share the story with those who still have questions and help spread healthy beauty!

Glycerin treatment for frizzy hair l Home Hair Care (May 2024)

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