Learn how to organize your recipes.

Finding the recipe for an ideal dish for an occasion or finding the one you've made before and it's guaranteed success can become a real cooking issue if you don't have the organization. The search when done in a context of clutter discourages those who are cooking by spending more time than is really necessary to think about the menu.

The custom of repeating recipes is a symptom of lack of organization. There is no housewife, connoisseur, or even gourmet who dares to cook something new without knowing exactly where to find it. Is this where the habit of always making the same recipes comes from? says home organizer Ingrid Lisboa.

Having easy-to-find recipes is as critical when preparing a meal as having an organized, clean kitchen with good infrastructure. This habit, in addition to avoiding such monotony of the menu prevents some gastronomic disasters that can be made, such as preparation errors that occur when trying to remember a recipe or make it intuitively.

Leaving cookbooks scattered and printing the same recipe thousands of times, because you can never find it, are typical situations for those who have not yet created their way of organizing in relation to recipes.

For those who are in doubt about the best method, it is important to understand that there is no wrong way to get organized, one should just know if the rule created will be practical for those who will use it, taking into account their customs and facilities.

Revenue Organization Options

Using a binder with plastic bags to store your recipes is a traditional and efficient way to organize. The binder, in addition to allowing separation by categories, combined with plastic bags facilitates handling by keeping recipes protected from contact with damp hands or leftover ingredients.

Buying two notebooks, one for sweet recipes and one for savory recipes is another possibility. In the notebook, recipes can be written by hand or pasted when found in ingredient boxes, magazines or on the Internet. What should be avoided, however, is the existence of a single recipe book for sweet and savory, as the search can become more difficult.

A good idea for both the binder and notebooks is to photograph a recipe and print it out by placing the image next to the writing. In addition, setting aside a space at the bottom of the paper may be interesting to note in the future some preparation trick, special ingredient, possible recipe change, or whether it pleased or disliked someone.

For those who like technology, the computer, tablet or smartphone can be great allies of the revenue organization. Creating text documents from recipes and separating them into folders on your computer, blogging, or using recipe-specific or annotation tablet and smartphone apps are simple and effective initiatives for organizing recipes.

? Some mobile apps can also be used as allies during recipe preparation as they work closely with the user either by guiding the recipe step by step or by offering time tracking timers or by doing weight and measurement conversions.? teaches Erivelto Moitinho, interaction designer at Wezen.

For all cases of organization one must think of ways to categorize revenues. Splitting the recipes into sweet and savory is to do the least. The ideal organization of recipes provides for a more specific categorization such as appetizers, breads, pastas, soups, unique dishes, sauces, desserts; or by country of culinary origin, which makes for a faster search when looking for something specific.

Organize your recipes and keep them handy so you can not only have the ease of consultation, but also use them frequently.


  • Kitchen, Organization
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