Is there a contraindication for plastic surgery?

Despite being the safest among all surgical specialties, the plastic surgery It is nonetheless a surgery. Therefore, there will always be risks, cautions and precautions.

For the risk to be as low as possible, it is important that imminent risk factors for the patient are minimized. That is, if the patient has high blood pressure, it should be controlled with medications. If you have thyroid problems, or any other health problems, they should also be in control and normalized.

I believe that in this logistics, aesthetic plastic has great advantage over other surgeries. Because? Because it doesn't have to be done! That is, if not done, nothing will change, everything will continue the same.

Unlike many surgeries such as appendicitis, cancer, and others that must be performed urgently, even if the patient's health is not as good as possible, plastic surgery can wait for normalized exams and improved health. You can also wait until the postoperative logistics is optimal, ie wait for the holidays, wait when a family member can assist in recovery, etc. This greatly reduces the surgical risks.

Another relevant factor is that the plastic does not interfere with noble organs (such as intestines, liver, heart, etc.), is a surgery that touches the superficial tissues (skin, fat, muscles). Thus, a risk of serious injury is also rare.

However, there are factors that denote contraindications even for plastic surgery. Coagulation problems, infection of any area on the day of surgery, heart, lung, liver, or other noble organs that greatly increase the surgical risk. Remember that the plastic surgeon will only indicate surgery if he judges the risk of the minimal and acceptable procedure.

The risk, however, in dealing with cosmetic surgery It may not only be physical. We also judge the risk of surgery failing to achieve an acceptable aesthetic result. There are simply cases where what the patient wants is impossible.

For example, Mike Tyson's nose can never look the same as Brad Pitt, even if he thinks he can. Reoperations are also always more difficult to achieve a better result compared to the first surgery, due to the existence of fibrosis, anatomy alteration, vascularization, etc. Thus, the contraindication may come from an unrealistic expectation of the patient or the technical impossibility of achieving the desired result.

Contraindications to Cosmetic Surgeries -Dr. Chetan Satish (April 2024)

  • Plastic surgery, Body
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