How to make a good impression on time H

The first time with the boy you want so much can be a special day and surrender other nights, but to do this it is necessary to avoid embarrassment and unpleasant things at the time, so as not to scare the cat.

We've selected a few tips to let you know how to make a good impression at such an intimate time between you, check it out.

Cares with the body

Taking care of beauty is essential to making a positive impact at H time. It is important that you are shaved and take basic hygiene care so as not to get ugly at this time.

Enjoy this day also to hydrate your body with a cream or oil with soft scents, nothing too exaggerated not to frighten the cat.

It would also be interesting to put on a light makeup, it also doesn't have to be too elaborate to look more natural, as they find the most natural look very sexy.

Also give a perfume of your choice, but don't overindulge because too much perfume scares rather than attracts men (and other people as well).

Caprice in lingerie

Always keep your wardrobe up to date on underwear. No huge beige panties and wide or too old panties for those moments. Even if you don't like lingerie and prefer cotton underwear, opt for the sexiest models. However, if you like to invest in good lingerie, go ahead and bet on something sexy and comfortable to make a good impression on the cat.

Bold but not so bold attitude

At hour h, you can show your bold side, but being careful can help you not to scare the boy away. Maybe in that first moment is the time to get to know you better and gradually show who you are. Leave the boldest tricks for the next few times. Remember that this does not mean having a bland sex, but without going much further. It is also recommended to avoid screams and sayings typical of porn actresses, you do not need this to seduce the boy.

Another tip is to avoid bringing objects and toys for sex. He may like it, but he may not, and that will make him run or even blink. So, wait for him to give you some signs that you enjoy it and only then try to use toys with him.

Ideally, at this point, you should try to act naturally without forcing behaviors. Be yourself and you are more likely to have a second time with him.

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  • Relationships, Sex
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