10 male crazes we'll never understand

Although the rights of men and women today are almost matched in terms of work and even relationships, there are things about men that the female soul will never fully understand.

1 ? The ability to? Keep sleeping? when there's a baby crying right next door

Or, more appropriately, how can they pretend to continue sleeping with the crying baby right next door? The reason for the male insistence on this excuse is a mystery because, obviously, we know that it is all a demonstration of well-developed dramaturgy skills.

2 ? The incredible ability to miss when something is wrong

They have been with us for years, often decades, and yet they have not yet developed the ability to realize that when they ask us, what is wrong? and we answer 'nothing', it's because everything is absurdly wrong.

3? The miracle solutions that (they believe) sex can offer

Your day has been horrible, the kids are on the verge of failing high school, you crashed your car, you lost your job, you fought, or worse, the hairdresser got it wrong with his dye. Everything, absolutely everything can be solved with a beautiful sex session.

4? Total inability to put dirty clothes in the laundry basket

Despite the many studies that are supposed to be conducted to understand this chronic problem, it is not yet known why men simply cannot put their dirty clothes in the place intended for them, leaving them lying on the floor. the bedroom, the living room sofa, the bathroom, and other inhospitable recesses of the house.

5? The absurd resistance to hiring skilled professionals

Did the toilet pipe burst? Call the plumber and your husband will never again forgive his obvious lack of confidence in his piping talent. The same goes for broken doors, suspicious car noise, distorted television picture, faulty vacuum cleaner and any other problems that may occur within your sweet home.

6? The overwhelming effect that a simple pair of breasts has on them

Honey, it's just breasts. Everyone has, to a greater or lesser extent. It's ridiculous that you still look the same as idiots, having seen so many in your life.

7? The unconditional trust they have in our divinatory abilities.

Men believe that we women carry a memory card where we store the most diverse information. So they do not hesitate to ask us where the boots, the hammer, the shaver and other objects that we obviously do not use are, and therefore we would have no reason to remove them.

8? The big problem with asking a stranger for information

You may be on Mars, he will continue to insist that he is not lost. Understandable. Who knows what kind of hecatomb could occur if he simply asked a passerby where the street he was looking for (most likely located in a different neighborhood on the other side of town).

9? The amazing ability to identify strange noises in the car

It only takes one man to get in touch with a car and the latter will come up with all sorts of mysterious noises and defects. So mysterious that only male specimens can perceive them.

10? The speed of content processing available on each channel

Male-only domain ability, women are vetoed the agility necessary to absorb the content of a television channel at the speed with which men do. Holding the remote firmly in place, they deliver uninterrupted blows at him, pacing between channels with the same dexterity with which they once fought the hunting necessary for the survival of the species.

It's no use. As much as we read hundreds of relationship manuals and books, there is more to men and women than our vain philosophy assumes.

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