This is what happens to your body after a month eating two bananas a day.

Bananas are considered a complete food with the potential for the next big health revolution because it is full of nutrients. But we often underestimate it.

The fruit is rich in natural sugars, sucrose and fructose, minerals, vitamins and fiber and its regular consumption is able to provide excellent health benefits, including the fight against cancer. This happens especially after they are ripe, when some brown spots begin to appear on the bark.

These spots are formed by a substance that blocks the spread and growth of tumor cells and are rich in antioxidants that can boost the immune system. So when choosing, be aware of the most ripe fruits.

The ideal is to eat two bananas a day and, over the course of a month, the results are already emerging. Here are some of the most important health benefits and health of the body:

1. Fight heartburn

Bananas act as antacids, relieving acid reflux and heartburn, and all related unpleasant symptoms. Only one banana is able to provide immediate results in case of heartburn. They also help against constipation because its high fiber content leads to regular bowel movements.

Read also: Bananas: Benefits and Tips on Ripening Fruit

2. Increase energy

Eating one or two bananas before your daily workout will provide you with the energy you need for up to 1 hour. In addition, they are rich in minerals, vitamins, and have high amounts of potassium and low glycemic index, which will increase your endurance and prevent muscle cramps.

3. Reduce blood pressure

Bananas can effectively lower high blood pressure and prevent heart attacks and strokes because they reduce sodium. And potassium helps promote heart health.

4. Treat the ulcer

The fruit is excellent for stomach ulcers because it is painless and its smooth texture helps cover the stomach lining. This prevents irritation and corrosive acids.

5. Control body temperature

Bananas are able to regulate body temperature efficiently and are extremely useful in the case of fever.

6. Fight Depression

Tryptophan is one of the ingredients in bananas that, upon entering the body, is transformed into serotonin, which is a brain neurotransmitter. This leads to relaxation and improved mood, helping in cases of depression.

Also read: 12 low calorie fruits for you to eat at ease

7. Treat Anemia

Fruit provides the body with the necessary iron, increasing the blood supply as it stimulates the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

In addition to all these benefits, bananas are also rich in vitamin B, which soothes the nervous system, relaxes the body and mind, and relieves stress.

???????? If You Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month, This Is What Happens To Your Body (May 2024)

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