Do you use menstruation as an excuse?

We women know how boring and uncomfortable it is to do any activity on the days we are menstruating. The body is swollen and the pain caused by menstrual cramps can be mind-blowing, in addition to the altered state of mood that, unlike the meaning of the famous acronym "PMS", is not restricted only to the days before menstruation, extending during the cycle and sometimes remaining after its end.

Anyway, when we are menstruating, the desire is to be isolated at home, watching television and preferably with a huge stock of chocolate available. If we could, during those days we wouldn't work, study, go out or even date, wouldn't we?

For a study conducted in the United Kingdom and published by the Daily Mail shows that about 40% of women usually use the menstrual period as an excuse in various situations.

Whether to escape a work commitment, escape an unwanted encounter, or even avoid sex with their partners, these women not only used menstruation as an excuse in many cases, but sometimes lied that they were menstruating not to perform. a huge variety of activities.

The study featured internet interviews with more than 1,000 women. The exact percentage who admitted to using menstruation as an excuse was 38%? and the reasons alleged by them were the most varied.

No gym

The main reason given by volunteers to use the excuse of being menstruating is to avoid physical activity. In those days when we are most lazy or out of patience to perform the necessary exercises, convincing the personal or yourself that the cause of the failure is menstruation is a tactic used by almost all women interviewed. This is because it is easy to imagine the discomfort experienced by a woman trying to exercise while having her body affected by the menstrual cycle.

Sex, no way

The classic phrase "I have a headache," famous for being used by women over the years to evade male sexual appeals, seems to be losing ground to other less man-made excuses. And the rate of use of this excuse is already very high: seven out of ten women interviewed said they had used menstruation as a reason to escape a sexual relationship with their partners at some point.

Rationale for mood swings

Another interesting finding is that about 20% of the study volunteers have used their menstrual period as justification for mood changes. From moodiness, lack of mood, irritation or sadness, menstruation has been used as an alibi by the female population.

A time to take care of yourself

Another group claims to have lied about menstruation to avoid contact with other people. Claiming to be unwell because of the cycle, many women take advantage of their time alone to relax and relieve stress.

Finally, none of them showed or claimed to be sorry for the telling lie, using their menstrual periods as an excuse, and most did not bother to make the excuse personally, telling bosses and boyfriends by phone, message, or even email.

Is It Wrong to Use Your Period as an Excuse for Being Late? | Loose Women (May 2024)

  • Relationships, Sex, PMS
  • 1,230