10 Ways To Fight Insomnia That Really Work

Forcing the mind to shut down after a long day and yet fail and get into a constant war with sleep. For many people, this is what happens every night when going to bed.

And even when sleep comes, it is not continuous or restorative and the person wakes up a few times at night. Then during the day, the yield is not good, as it feels tired.

Sleeping pills may be an option, but depending on it is not good and should not become a habit as they do not really cure insomnia. Therefore, the ideal is to look for more natural ways to sleep. Here are some that work:

1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy

A large part of sleep problems have to do with your relationship with sleep. This therapy helps create a system in which you can train the body to sleep at will. Results can appear in just one week, but you must be fully committed to the process.

2. Magnesium

It is a great supplement to be consumed daily as it helps with headaches and has a calming effect. If swallowed before bedtime, it can help lessen your thoughts, relax your muscles and sleep more easily.

Read also: 10 Natural Soothing that Help Treat Anxiety, Insomnia, and Even Depression

3. Lavender Oil

Aromatherapy has many proven effects, with relaxation being one of the most common. Lavender has a calming effect and if you put a few drops on the pillow before bed every night, you will start training your mind to relax after being exposed to the smell.

4. Valerian Tea

It is a common tea for insomnia and really works. Just a cup of the drink, made with the dried root of the plant, if consumed already in bed will make you feel very drowsy. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, but should be avoided during the day because of its sleepy effects.

5. Passion Flower Tea

The passion flower (or passion flower) is great for those who have sleep disorders, anxiety, nervousness, stress and even depression due to its calming effects. Having a glass before bedtime helps you sleep better.

6. Gamma-Aminobutyric

Studies show that people with insomnia often also have low levels of GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that reduces feelings of stress and fear. Consuming GABA as a supplement can have a calming effect on body and mind.


This natural medicine, called 5-Hydroxytryptophan, causes the body to produce more serotonin, which leads to regulation of sleep cycles. Its consumption, besides helping to sleep, over time will also create a better sleep cycle.

Read also: ASMR: Check out the videos that relax you until you sleep

8. Hypnosis

No need to go to a hypnotherapist, just get some guided options on YouTube. If you pay attention and visualize all the things the narrator says, you will fall asleep before the recording is over.

9. Binaural Sounds

Binaural sounds are a brain phenomenon that mixes a different level of sound frequency in each ear, creating an optimal brain frequency for finding sleep. And you can do that with headphones by searching YouTube's binaural playlists that are specifically geared toward a good night's sleep.

10. Guided Meditation

If hypnosis scares you, guided meditation may be a better option. Just search the internet and hear a soothing narrator speak in deep relaxation. This is perfect for people who can't concentrate enough at bedtime.


Although still facing a certain distrust of many people, natural alternatives are very effective and are increasingly sought by people. But before starting, it is important to consult your doctor, who will be able to evaluate each case and indicate what may or may not be tested.

Doctor, I Have Insomnia. What Can I Do? - Alon Avidan, MD | UCLA Health Sleep Center (April 2024)

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