11 Sex Videos Every Man Should See

Despite all social evolutions and revolutions, female sexuality remains a taboo in our society, generating myths that undermine many people's sex lives.

The fact is that more than an act of pleasure, sex is a health issue for women. The psychologist and sexologist Rosely Salino of the Cecarello Institute is categorical: Sex is health for both women and men. Orgasm is a physical and energy discharge, a physiological need that benefits overall health.

However, cultural and religious traditions often inhibit women and reinforce ideas and practices that do not always sexually satisfy females.

Meet in the following videos vloggers who dispel myths and give important tips on sex and attitudes that men and women.

Read also: 30 controversial questions about sex answered

1. Woman also feels horny, by Tati Ferreira

In this video, vogue girl Tati Ferreira comments on what Rosely points out as the main myth regarding women's sexuality, that women do not feel sexual desire. "Physiologically and anatomically [women] are as sexual as men," says Rosely. This means that they feel like having sex and also miss it when they spend some time without it, as Tati comments in the video.

2. Woman's erogenous zones? how to give more pleasure, by Marilyn Jane

Marilyn Jane explains the different points of the female body that excite women. According to Rosely, women take longer to become aroused, making knowledge of erogenous zones and foreplay an important part of sex. Marilyn comments on various areas of the body that many do not usually associate with sexual arousal.

3. 15 attitudes that limp in bed, by Marina Barbieri

Just as many people do not know what excites a woman, there are those who do not know what has the opposite effect. Marina Barbieri and her guest comment on some attitudes and situations that many find pleasing, but in fact are true sexual discouragements.

It is important to know your partner well to know not only what turns him on, but also what broxa. And the same is true for men. Get to know your partners, don't be afraid to talk about sex and ask what you like and dislike.

4. Oral Sex in Women by Shameless Couple

The Shameless Couple clarifies and gives tips on oral sex in women, such as the fact that oral sex is only part of the foreplay and not the foreplay itself.

Read also: Tips to encourage your partner to do more oral sex on you

5. Oral Sex in Women, by Lola Benvenutti

In a short and straightforward way, Lola Benvenutti comments on what to do and what not to do at the time of oral sex in women.

6. Porn Teaches Wrong, by Tati Ferreira

According to sexologist Rosely, porn movies can be interesting tools to "spice up the couple's fantasy and unleash sexual practice." However, Rosely points out that pornography often distances itself from reality by bringing standards of aesthetics, practices and sexual performance that do not match the reality of people. It is precisely this distancing from reality that Tati Ferreira comments on in this video.

7. Erotic accessories every woman should have, by CSV

Female masturbation is one of the big taboos regarding female sexuality. For Rosely, practice is critical because it allows a woman to know "the path of her own pleasure and to be able to tell her partner how she likes to be touched." In addition, this practice can be done together with the partner. The Shameless Couple gives tips for erotic toys that take sex out of the routine.

8. Point G, by Tati Ferreira

The famous G-spot is the subject of much debate in the scientific community, but there is no consensus on its existence. Tati Ferreira briefly summarizes the source of the controversy, comments on how the search for the G-spot can negatively affect sex and gives tips on how to resolve it.

9. Anal Sex, by Tuy and Biel

Is it possible for a woman to enjoy anal sex? This is a common doubt for men and women. Tuy and Biel from Sensualise Moi talk about anal sex, give position tips, relaxation, preparation for anal sex. The additional tips come from Rosely, who guides couples to practice anal sex as a variation rather than a habit.

In addition, Rosely points out that women need to feel safe to be able to relax sufficiently for anal sex. So, as Biel points out in his video (Tips for Men), is the woman dictating the rules of the game? If she wants to stop the game, the game must stop.

Although they talk about different aspects of female sexuality, all videos have common characteristics.One example is the need for the partner to recognize the signals a woman gives during practice and not simply to assume that the woman is enjoying something based on a supposed popular knowledge.

"Women need attention," says Rosely, and this attention to sexual practice ranges from exalting a woman's appearance to realizing in the smallest detail whether or not the woman is enjoying sex.

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