Relax: Enhance Your Day With Stressful Attitudes

Goals to achieve at work, take care of household chores and devote time to social life demand physical and psychological effort and, consequently, can cause high levels of stress. All kinds of pressure, anxiety and competitiveness can trigger disorders that are bad for your health, as well as emotional and psychological disorders.

For psychologist Tania Fontes, stress makes people emotionally fragile and that is why their organic defenses are lowered, as well as their immunity, making them more vulnerable to various types of illness. Even with the rush of everyday life, it is possible to keep a quiet routine in order to keep stress levels low.

But, what to do to to relax and have a lighter life ?? Small attitudes can reverse the situation and slow down the routine. Most importantly, "take time to slow down," suggests Tânia. Whether it's during the week, after work, or on Saturdays and Sundays, it's important to stop and think about yourself.


Stretching the arms, stretching the limbs, ie stretching. When you wake up or are too tense, stretch out. This can make you more willing and more calm to face the day.

Use the body

Each body part can carry? Us? of tension. Do you know that pain in the back of your neck that won't leave you alone on stressful days? It is a knot. To undo them, contract the muscles of each region for two seconds. Exercise benefits the mind as well, as the body will be relaxed.


The chaotic traffic of big cities can stress even the calmest and quietest person. In addition, it causes "trauma". At weekends, for example, when the streets and avenues are free, people are still afraid to drive. For this reason, a great tip is "walk". Walking also releases endorphins, a substance released by the body itself that gives a feeling of well-being.

Sleep well

Night is the main moment of rest and should be enjoyed as such. For that, it leaves the problems outside the room. Keep the room airy and tidy. It's important to relax to sleep all night and wake up refreshed to face a new day's work.

In addition to these actions and attitudes, you can do more for your own health. It has been scientifically proven that reducing computer and mobile phone use can have beneficial effects on the body, improve sleep quality, improve muscle aches and even reduce tiredness.

  • Wellness, Stress
  • 1,230