15 teeth whitening foods naturally

"Your smile is your business card". Most people have heard this phrase and agree that taking care of oral health is critical.

But keep your teeth very white? What guarantees a much more beautiful smile? It is not always easy. A lot of people have questions about what they can do, and what kind of food / habits to avoid for it.

Always brushing your teeth after meals, flossing are some of the key steps to ensure healthier and more beautiful teeth, but the good news is that some foods can help, as they act almost like? Natural whiteners? of the teeth. Best of all, it's not difficult to include them in the diet.

Below you know these foods and also a dentist's guidelines on how to maintain the health and beauty of your teeth.

1. Broccoli

Juliana Rossi, a dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry, explains that broccoli contains iron and calcium that together form a barrier that protects tooth enamel. "In addition to being crunchy, broccoli stimulates the production of saliva, helping to reduce stains on teeth," he says.

Research from the Bauru School of Dentistry, published in the European Journal of Dentistry, found this? Barrier? reduces contact between acidic foods and beverages with tooth enamel, making them whiter.

2. Cheeses

A study published in the journal General Dentistry pointed out that the consumption of cheese? the cheddar in particular? Increases saliva production and forms a protective barrier on tooth enamel.

According to Juliana, cheese can help whiten teeth, as casein is a type of protein found mainly in this food. ? It helps in repairing the tooth enamel along with calcium and phosphorus? that are also present in dairy products?

The expert adds that hard cheeses, such as Parmesan, are good for whitening because they increase the flow of salivation? It helps eliminate food scraps and counteracts the ph of the mouth.

3. Raisins

A University of Illinois study, presented at an annual meeting of the American Society of Microbiology, found that seedless raisins can prevent decay-causing bacteria and periodontal disease. In addition, this type of food also protects teeth from plaque buildup.

Juliana points out that raisins increase saliva production levels. "This washing helps to rinse the plaque and prevents its accumulation," he says.

This way, it is one more type of food that can help in cleaning the mouth and searching for whiter teeth.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple can help whiten your teeth, according to Juliana, by containing an enzyme called bromelain, which acts as a natural stain remover.

A study, published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, found that the enzyme bromelain can help remove stains on teeth without damaging enamel.

Does bromelain also help break plaque? A kind of bacterial film that accumulates on the surface of the teeth. Plaque bacteria produce acids that can demineralize tooth enamel and lead to tooth decay ?, explains the expert.

5. Strawberry

Strawberry is a great option for those who want to keep their teeth white. "The fruit contains malic acid, a natural astringent that helps remove stains," says Juliana.

In addition, it has vitamin C, which helps fight plaque buildup, as the expert points out.

6. Spinach

This is another food that can help make your teeth whiter, according to Juliana. "Spinach does a natural cleansing of the teeth because it is rich in fiber and increases salivary flow," he says.

7. Apple

According to Juliana, as the fruit is fibrous, it cleans the teeth with each bite, besides stimulating the salivary flow.

8. Pear

This is another fruit that brings great benefits to oral health because, according to Juliana, helps eliminate plaque, "since it is fibrous and cleans the teeth naturally."

"Pear further increases salivary flow and thus protects teeth from tooth decay and gum disease," the dentist adds.

9. Cucumber

Juliana explains that the cucumber promotes the production of saliva that, along with the natural fibers of food, cleans teeth and removes bacteria.

10. Milk

The expert points out that milk and its derivatives are foods rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and lactic acid. "They help fight bacteria and strengthen teeth, intensify tooth remineralization and contain calcium," he says.

11. Ginger

Juliana points out that ginger is a strong ally of oral health and beauty, as it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, helping to maintain healthy oral tissues. The result, of course, is a whiter, more beautiful smile.

12. Brazil Nut

The dentist reports that oils from Brazil nuts help to form a film on the teeth. "It reduces the ability of bacteria to stick to them," he says. Thus, the tendency is for the teeth to stay whiter.

13. Carrot

Juliana explains that carrots are allied with a whiter smile because they contain vitamin A? which is necessary to keep the tooth enamel healthy.

In addition, eating raw carrots, according to the expert, stimulates salivation.

14. Nuts, nuts and sesame

The expert also advises that chewing sesame seeds, nuts and nuts helps eliminate plaque, making a natural cleansing in the mouth. "In addition, sesame seeds contain calcium, which strengthens the teeth, and walnuts help form a film on the teeth," he says.

15. Onion and Garlic

Juliana adds that onion and garlic contain sulfur and thiosulfate compounds that naturally reduce the bacteria that cause tooth decay. "But to enjoy these benefits, you need to eat these raw foods, because cooking ends up destroying these compounds," he says.

Of course, it is noteworthy: these foods will not whiten your teeth miraculously. Even consuming them often, it is essential to follow all hygiene habits with the mouth.

Teeth staining foods

Some foods have the power to stain teeth and should be eaten in moderation, says the expert:

  • Red wine;
  • Grape juice;
  • Coffee;
  • Cola based soft drinks;
  • Teas;
  • Beet;
  • Acai berry;
  • Shoyu;
  • Ketchup.

They may stain the teeth due to the strong pigmentation. Therefore, they should be consumed in moderation ?, explains the dentist.

Juliana explains that it is not correct to say that these foods make their teeth yellow. "They deposit their pigments in the pores of their teeth, transferring color to them," he says.

The yellowish teeth, according to the dentist, are caused by tobacco and dentin aging.

"These foods with strong pigmentation do not need to be excluded from the diet, but it is important to cleanse the mouth right after eating to avoid problems," adds Juliana.

• It is recommended to make mouthwash with water soon after ingestion. This helps to eliminate excess substances that can dye your teeth. But later, brushing and flossing are essential to ensure complete cleaning ?, explains the dentist.

Essential Habits for Whiter Teeth

Foods can be a little forceful, but it is essential to take care of mouth hygiene to ensure white teeth. Juliana gives important guidelines for this:

  • Brushing your teeth and flossing after meals is critical as it removes plaque as well as newly stained teeth.
  • Mouthwashing with water helps to wash? pieces of food, sugars, and other debris that have accumulated in your teeth (and make them yellower over time).
  • Coffee and teas have teeth-staining ingredients. Drinking them excessively and everyday can eventually leave their mark. The tip is to consume a single portion or always brush your teeth after ingestion.
  • If you do not have a sink or toothbrush in your hand after drinking coffee or tea, you can drink a glass of water to rinse your mouth.
  • Exaggerating sugar is bad for teeth and gums, as it generates plaque buildup, eventually causing cavities and other problems. The tip is to avoid eating sweets and consuming sugary drinks.
  • When eating sweets, you need to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water immediately.
  • Chewing sugar-free gums for 15 to 20 minutes after meals and snacks is a good tip. Xylitol sweetened gum, for example, is an anti-caries agent.

In the case of those who smoke, quitting is also crucial to maintain the most beautiful teeth.

Finally, remember: when it comes to oral health, prevention is the best way. Going to the dentist periodically is essential to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of your teeth.

A dentist reveals which foods to eat for a whiter smile (April 2024)

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