18 microwave brigadier recipes that will conquer you

As popular as cake on birthday, the brigadeiros are sweets that can not miss in various celebrations, especially at children's parties. But not only the good brigadier lives the party: there are those who do not resist and prefer to do it at home, to eat at ease (often in the same pan, without the need to wrap it).

However, if the subject is practicality, the best option is undoubtedly the microwave brigadeiro, which is basically made by mixing all the ingredients and going for a few minutes on the device. Easier impossible!

The traditional brigadeiro is made with chocolate powder, condensed milk and butter, but that doesn't mean you need to get stuck with this recipe. You can also use other delicious ingredients successfully, adding a special touch to your microwave brigadier.

Get inspired by the recipes below, from the simplest to the most elaborate, and make your microwave brigadeiro whenever you feel like eating a sweetie!

Recipes from traditional microwave brigadeiros

1. Traditional Microwave Butter Brigadeiro: To make this simple recipe, you only need condensed milk, chocolate powder, butter and a deep glass container. When you remove the brigadeiro from the microwave, it will have a strange texture, but just stir well it will be smooth.

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2. Microwave Quick Brigadeiro: Besides being practical, it doesn't take butter, so it gets a little less caloric compared to other recipes. You will use condensed milk, chocolate powder and sprinkles.

3. Microwave Cup Brigadeiro: This recipe yields 15 cups and you only need condensed milk, butter, chocolate powder, sprinkles, chocolate shavings or sprinkles and disposable cups.

4. Microwave aerated brigadeiro: An easier and less boring method of making brigadeiro than traditional, and with the advantage that you can still choose to leave the normal consistency (soft and creamy) or leave the aerated brigadeiro more. hard.

5. Microwave Cake Topping Brigadeiro: It is a recipe that pays a lot, is not overly sweet and is not sugary, allowing you to make it up to three days in advance and leave it in the fridge until ready to use.

6. Bowl of Brigadeiro: Easy to prepare, you'll make the Brigadeiro with condensed milk, chocolate powder and butter. Then you can make the cup according to your imagination and the fillings you have at home, such as Ovomaltine, milk chocolate chips and biscuits.

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7. Microwave Brigadeirão: A practical recipe, it's a great dessert option for a weekend, for example. In five minutes you beat the ingredients and with eight minutes of microwave it is ready. Then just wait for the fridge time.

Microwave Special Brigade Recipes

8. Microwave-friendly white brigadeiro: To make the white brigadeiro on the stove, you need to keep the ingredients on low heat and not stop stirring, because you risk sticking to the bottom and if you stick, the candy ends up not getting so beautiful and tasty. Already in the microwave, does not have this need, that is, the preparation is much more practical!

9. Microwave Paçoca Brigadeiro: A delicious combination of flavors. The preparation is easy, but the tip is to be careful with the power of your microwave and with time, because the brigadeiro can be drier because of paçoca.

10. Microwave Oreo Brigadeiro: To make this delight you will only need condensed milk, butter and Oreo cookies. The filling of the biscuit becomes filling of this delicious and different brigadeiro. It's worth writing down the recipe!

11. Microwave Sicilian Lemon Brigadeiro: A gourmet brigadeiro, easy to prepare. You will only use condensed milk, Sicilian lemon and finely chopped white chocolate. In addition to this option, you can make this recipe for kisses, chocolate, milk nest, whatever flavor you prefer!

Read also: 79 Brigadier Recipes That Will Lead You to Perdition

12. Microwave Ovomaltine Brigadier: Most Practical Recipe Impossible! You will only use condensed milk, Ovomaltine and paper cups. The yield is 45 to 50 sweets and the preparation time is only 12 minutes.

13. Healthy Microwave Brigadeiro: Very easy, delicious and nutritious recipe. And it really kills the urge to eat that sweetie out of time. It has two versions, one with dietary supplement and one without, so who does not use Whey, just replace with skim milk powder.

14Microwave Nest Brigadeiro: In just four minutes you make this delicious brigadeiro, using only condensed milk, margarine or butter and milk powder. Perfect recipe for those days when you want to eat sweet, but you don't want to waste a lot of time in the kitchen!

15. Microwave Churros Brigadeiro: An easy and delicious recipe, perfect for those who love sweets! You will need condensed milk, butter, dulce de leche, cinnamon and sugar mixed with cinnamon.

16. Microwave Lemon Pie Brigadier: To make this delicious weekend treat, you'll only need condensed milk, white chocolate, lemon zest and butter or margarine. .

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17. Microwave fit brigadier: ideal for dieters, but don't miss a good dessert every now and then! The recipe is easy and tasty, and takes 70% cocoa chocolate, cocoa powder, brown sugar, water, skimmed milk powder and coconut oil.

18. Nutella Brigadier: To make this irresistible version you will only need Nutella, butter, condensed milk and sprinkles. In a few minutes the sweets are ready and surely will be devoured in even less time!

Microwave brigadeiro is synonymous, above all, with practicality, and nothing better than that when you want to eat a sweetie, right ?!

Whether made more traditionally or elaborately made, this candy is a success for everyday dessert, parties and other special occasions!

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