50 incredibly easy ways to slim down 1kg

Did you know that in 1 kg of fat there are approximately 7,700 calories? This means that in order to reduce 1 kg of fat, one needs to "spend" through physical activity, and / or reduce, through dietary changes, 7,700 calories.

Really look like?! In fact, it is not little! But it is totally possible. Want a good example of how to do this in 15 days ?! Burning 500 calories a day or burning 200 extra calories (walking), not eating another 300 calories when eating (refusing a cake, for example).

For those who want to lose 1 kg in a month, it is recommended to decrease about 256 calories per day, which is not so difficult: walking at a light pace 1 hour a day is a great tip for this, for example! The results are sure to come at the end of the month!

Below you will find tips on how to reduce calories in your daily life, either through dietary changes, physical activity or routine actions (which many people do not know, but also? Burn calories?).

It is worth mentioning that, to achieve good results, the ideal is to combine several tips from the list below, both food and activities! Don't you have to do the same activity every day or cut the same kind of food daily?

That is, you do not necessarily need to run 25 minutes every day of the month? You can do this from Monday to Friday and, on weekends,? Burn? about 256 calories through another activity (how about riding a horse, for example?).

50 Tips That Will Help You Lose 1kg (in 1 Month or Less)

To follow the tips, in the first month you can, for example: choose a physical activity that you like to practice during the week; start eating a fruit before lunch and a fruit before dinner daily; and, on weekends, have fun rollerblading.

Over time, you can increase your daily activities if possible. How about, after bodybuilding, take your dog for a walk, for example ?! Also, do you tend to improve your diet more and more? After all, you'll find that you can live very well without eating fast food every weekend, for example.

With this, without great efforts, you will be following increasingly healthy habits and surely see good results in the balance and especially with regard to your quality of life!


It is worth mentioning that these examples below take into account that you want to spend about 7,700 calories just changing your eating habits, ie without exercising. With that, of course, are dietary restrictions a little bigger? This reinforces the importance of associating a balanced diet with the practice of at least one physical activity to achieve better results.

1. Eat one fruit before lunch and one fruit before dinner daily for 20 days. Research from Pennsylvania State University in the United States has shown that eating a fruit about 15 minutes before eating can save up to 187 calories. This is because they tend to eat less in the main meal.

2.Are you in the habit of eating pizza on weekends? And the worst: when you eat, do not usually stop in the first piece? Exclude this habit from your diet for at least a month (ie, stop eating pizza over four weekends) and you may see good weight loss results.

3. Do you like soups? Have vegetable soup (without potatoes, cheese, cream, salt, etc.) before lunch and dinner for 1 month. Researchers say this can help reduce the calorie value of the next dish by up to 130 calories.

4. Reduce the amount of olive oil you season the salad daily over 1 month. Although it is a healthy food, it is worth noting that it is also caloric, so it should never be overused.

5. On weekends do you have the habit of eating snacks in a snack bar in the city ?! Know that a snack made with hamburger bread, beef burger, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, lettuce, tomato and egg can exceed 600 calories! So abolishing this habit for at least 1 month can be a great step towards achieving good balance results.

6. When you drink beer do you usually drink around 5 cans? So a good tip to lose 1 pound over the month is to stay without this habit (even on weekends).

7. Stop taking soda after lunch and dinner (or any other time of day) for a month.

8. Forget the chocolates you have a habit of eating daily after lunch or dinner.

9. Do not sugar your coffee with sugar for at least 1 month to start seeing good results.

10. Escape the fried foods daily.If you feel like eating potatoes, for example, make them in the oven.

11. Do not add cheese to your daily dishes (omelette, pasta, brown bread snack, etc.).

12. Petit Gateau is a delicious sweet, isn't it? But you must resist it whenever possible if you wish to lose weight! That's because the candy (cupcake plus ice cream) has about 400 calories.

13. Get away from fast food (including weekends)! If you eat, for example, a Big Tasty snack plus a (large) potato chip and a (large) glass of Coke, you are consuming 1453 calories. Eating this? Combo? 5 times a month, you will consume 7265 calories! That is almost enough to gain a pound? So, go the opposite way and avoid this kind of food!

14. Do you have the habit of eating at least 2 french breads a day (one in the morning and one in the evening, for example) ?! Know that they add up to 260 calories, so if you want to lose weight, start by cutting out this diet item.

15. Are you used to using sugar to sweeten your natural juices and also fruits such as strawberry, papaya, avocado etc.? Be aware that 4 shallow tablespoons (63 grams) of sugar add up to about 250 calories, so it is best to cut this habit!

16. Forget the cookies on a daily basis! Even the crackers? Water and salt? Aren't you so? friends? of the diet. 12 units of it add up to 260 calories.

Physical activity

Note that these examples below take into account that you want to spend about 7,700 calories on activities alone, without associating them with a reduction in calories at mealtime. With that, of course, the effort is greater.

Once again, the need to associate activities with reduced caloric intake is reinforced. This way, burning 7,700 calories (for the loss of 1 kg of fat) will occur much simpler and faster.

17. Walk lightly every day (including Saturdays and Sundays) for 1 hour for a month;

18. Walk at a very fast pace daily for 15 days;

19. Run at a moderate pace daily for about 25 minutes over 1 month.

20. Practice ballroom dancing for 1 hour or more daily for 1 month.

21. Practice ballet classes daily for 1 hour over 15 days.

22. Play basketball daily for about 50 minutes over 15 days.

23. Practice boxing lessons daily for about 50 minutes over 15 days.

24. Practice capoeira classes daily for about 50 minutes over 15 days.

25. Play soccer daily for about 50 minutes over 15 days.

26. Take aerobics classes Monday through Friday (ie 5 times a week), about 1 hour a day for a month.

27. Take Olympic gymnastics classes Monday through Friday (ie 5 times a week), about 1 hour a day for a month.

28. Play handball daily for about 50 minutes over 15 days.

29. Practice Jiu-jitsu classes daily for about 50 minutes over 15 days.

30. Practice Judo classes daily for about 50 minutes over 15 days.

31. Exercise by going up and down stairs for about half an hour daily over 15 days.

32. Play tennis for about 1 hour daily over 15 days.

33. Work out for about 1 hour daily on the gym's elliptical trainer for 15 days.

34. Practice swimming lessons for about 1 hour daily over 14 days.

35. Stand up paddle for about 1 hour daily from Monday to Friday (over a month).

36. Jump rope for about 40 minutes daily over 26 days.

37. Cycle daily for about 1 hour over 1 month.

38. Practice 52 minutes of weight training to burn about 260 calories.

Healthy Habits You Can Adopt

Below are other habits that make you spend about 250 calories and that can help you achieve your goal of losing weight. Of course, they must be associated with physical activity and a balanced diet.

39. Take your dog for a walk daily for a month. In a 1 hour ride you can burn about 300 calories.

40. 1 hour of playing with your dog? like catching a ball and throwing it at him? It can make you burn up to 260 calories. Enjoy doing this over the course of a month.

41. Go to work on foot from Monday to Friday. You will probably have good weight loss results!

42. Have fun while burning calories: Roller skating for about 52 minutes daily over 1 month.

43. If necessary, clean the house for 1 hour: You can burn about 250 calories with this activity.

44. Do you live in a building? Give up the elevator! Go up and down the stairs daily whenever you go out and get home!

45. 1 hour washing the car burns about 250 calories. (Of course you won't do this daily, but this can be a good activity when your vehicle really needs cleaning. You'll be combining the business with the pleasant.)

46. Who says shopping is not good? In a 1-hour walk at the Mall or Supermarket, on a moderate walk, you can spend about 250 calories.(You probably won't do this every day of the month, but occasionally this may be the "activity" of the day).

47. Ride a horse for about 1.5 hours to spend about 260 calories. (This is a great tip for having a good calorie expenditure on a weekend day when you don't go to the gym, for example).

48. Bowling with friends for about 1.5 hours and spend about 260 calories. Another great tip for spending calories on one day (or more days) of the weekend!

49. Have sex daily if possible. In 1 hour of practice you can burn about 200 calories!

50. Washing the dishes for about 1 hour after lunch and 1 hour after dinner can burn about 300 calories.

Lose Weight | Lose Belly Fat | How To Lose Belly Fat (April 2024)

  • Food, Diets, Weight Loss
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