22 things your mom said and you only understand now

Remember when you were a teenager and thought your mother was wrong about everything? Well, now that you grew up you understand that her advice was often correct, and if you had listened to it, it would have been much easier.

As a teenager we believed we were the owners of reason and breaking the rules imposed by our parents was extremely fun and challenging. After all, at this time in our lives we want to live on our own and learn from our mistakes.

If you identify yourself with this situation, check out a few phrases that are tirelessly repeated by our mothers and which today make more sense than you would like. Take advantage of this moment and value your experiences and lessons learned:

1. When she told you to drink more water and eat vegetables

At the time it seemed like torture, but today you see that water and good nutrition are allies not only for health but also prevent premature aging. And wasn't she right about that all the time?

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2. When she told you to wear a long-sleeved shirt when you left

Ok, ok. A blouse could ruin the look. But will you say you didn't go cold for not wrapping yourself? Of course, this without losing the pose.

3. When she told you to bring an umbrella because it would rain

She might not be the "woman of the time," but she always got it right. Although a rain shower helped renew the energy!

4. When she told you to take colic medicine before your period

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Did you know that every month before the onset of menstruation the colic monster attacked, but didn't listen when she said to take the medicine before the pain session began. Result: terrible pain, heartbroken crying and you admitting she was right.

5. When she told you not to talk with your mouth full

And that's when good manners began to be taught. Just like thanks, excuse me, and I'm sorry. Besides, this was a disgusting habit, wasn't it?

6. When she told you to be nice to your brothers

Alright what brothers were made to? Toast? our patience and fighting with them was their favorite pastime. But in the hardest times they were all you had.

7. When she told you to be superior and not fight

All you wanted was to fight back the offenses of that girl who made your life in high school hell, but she always said it didn't matter if you were right, if you didn't fight back and you were superior, in the end you would prove your worth. And once again she got it right.

8. When she told you to focus on school and not social life

Once again your mother proved you knew things. Although not the most fun option, focusing on studies would build a solid future and your social life would follow the natural course of life. Wouldn't that surely happen if it were the other way around?

9. When she told you that that friend didn't deserve such confidence

Yes, apparently moms have a radar that detects the falsianes On duty. And since you didn't hear her, you only found out that friendship was one-way by catching that? Friend? flirting your crush.

10. When she told you that that boy the girls drooled was not a good thing

It doesn't matter if he was handsome or good at talking. In the end your mother was right, and she was the one who comforted you after the cat had shown its claws and all its mess.

11. When she told you to have breakfast

After incisively refusing and skipping this meal, you regretted not having heard it when you felt that monstrous hunger in the middle of the morning.

12. When she told you to go to bed early

This was the most annoying advice. After all, you would love to chat with friends over the internet, or watch that movie you couldn't miss. But she agreed when she woke up the other day and could barely keep her eyes open.

13. When she told you that everything would pass

At that moment when you were crying for the love disappointment you suffered, this was the one you least wanted to hear, as the love was too big to overcome. Now tell me, do you still remember that boy's name?

14. When she told you that a good friend is better than many bad friends

Your mother knew that good friends count on their fingers. All right then, all you wanted to do was be part of the most popular group in high school. And so, have you seen any of them out there?

15. When she told you to invest in comfortable shoes

All you wanted to do was rock those gorgeous high heels you had just bought.Unfortunately, by the end of the night, your feet were not so happy with you.

16. When she told you not to want to be an adult so fast

His greatest wish was to finish his studies, work and be able to live his life buying what he wanted and without satisfying anyone. Today you know that life is not that easy and you want time to go back to the time when paying bills and daily work were not needed.

17. When she told you to pass sunscreen

You hated wasting the time you could be enjoying the sun with friends and having to spread the sunscreen. But in addition to preventing sunburn, your skin today thanks you for not having premature aging.

18. When she told you to talk I love you to the people you cared

You thought this was totally unnecessary, but today you realize that life goes by so fast and often dear people are no longer present.

19. When she told you not to be envious

While your friend had just bought the pair of sneakers you wanted and you have no plans to have yours, this advice was hard to apply. Today you realize that there will always be people with more conditions, just as there are people with less.

20. When she told you that you could do whatever you wanted

As a person who always believed in you, your mother always told you that you could achieve anything you wanted as long as there was dedication. Today you have great self-esteem and a well-structured life thanks to it.

21. When she told you you couldn't have those $ 200 pants

Even knowing that the trend of the piece was fleeting and soon would not use it anymore. Although you want to destroy your pants, today you understand the value of money and thank you that your mother did not encourage the? Investment? passenger.

22. When she told you to treat others as you would like to be treated

This is wise advice which has helped you to be a better human being. After all, empathy is a concept that must be applied at all times and to all people.

Knowing your mother was right, enjoy and run thanks for always being there for you, helping to make you the person you are today!

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