Cardamom: Health Benefits and Exotic Flavor for Recipes

The name may not sound familiar, but cardamom is often used in various sweet and savory recipes, providing a pleasant scent and a very peculiar flavor to foods.

The striking flavor of cardamom, incidentally, can be summed up as a mixture of spicy and sweet. And it is the seeds that are used in cooking. But it is also possible to find cardamom powder.

In addition, the spice is widely used in traditional oriental medicines, especially known for treating digestive problems. But, this is not the only health benefit cardamom offers. Learn more about condiment and check out how to include it in your diet!

Cardamom Origin

Cardamom is a plant originally from India, scientifically named Elettaria cardamomum. Sandra da Silva Maria, functional clinical nutritionist at the Gastro Obeso Center Clinic, explains that the plant is from the same family as ginger (Zingiberaceae) and even has a ginger-like aroma and taste. "It was first used in mid-700 AD, and was imported to Europe in 1200," he says.

The nutritionist explains that cardamom is a? Pod stuffed with sweetened seeds? ? and it is these seeds that are used in the kitchen.

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9 Cardamom Health Benefits

More than just a cooking ingredient, cardamom can offer incredible health benefits:

1. Fight against constipation: Sandra explains that cardamom offers about 300 calories in a 100 gram serving and has a high fiber content? which aids in intestinal peristalsis (bowel movement to push the bolus), improving constipation (constipation) and bloating.

2. Satiety: The nutritionist points out that, being a source of fiber, cardamom also helps provide satiety, aiding in the treatment of obesity.

3. Source of nutrients: Sandra explains that cardamom contains fats and minerals such as sodium, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin A and C, thus being beneficial to health as a whole.

4. Rich in photochemicals: For this reason, says Sandra, cardamom may help in the treatment of some cancers.

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5. Improved blood circulation: Because it has this characteristic of improving blood circulation, explains the nutritionist, cardamom is even considered a potent aphrodisiac.

6. Prevention of ulcers: Sandra explains that cardamom seed helps fight H. pylori bacteria, thus preventing ulcers. And because it has soothing properties, it helps relieve the pain caused by gastritis. Cardamom is still widely used to combat digestive problems in general.

7. Fight against halitosis: The nutritionist comments that by chewing cardamom seeds, it is also possible to prevent halitosis (bad breath).

8. Ally of the beauty of the hair: Sandra explains that the oil from cardamom seeds, when used in the hair, improves the hydration of the hair, strengthening the root and reducing dandruff.

9. Versatility in the kitchen: The nutritionist points out that cardamom is often used in sweet dishes, desserts or cakes and breads, or as a component of marinades for meat and rice seasoning.

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Good reasons to include cardamom in your recipes abound, right?

Cardamom Types

Cardamom can be divided into three main species, as Sandra points out:

  • Elettaria subulatum: It is known as green cardamom, distributed from India to Malaysia. "Used as a spice and as a chew (chewable), it can be used to treat gum infections, pharyngitis prevention, pulmonary congestion, tuberculosis and digestive problems," says the nutritionist.
  • Amomum: It is also known as kravan, java cardamom, cane cardamom, among other names. "It has its main distribution area in Asia and Australia, and is used as a medicinal plant for stomach aches and other digestive problems, colds and diarrhea," explains Sandra.
  • Aframomum (or cardamom of Madagascar): species that exists mainly in Africa and Madagascar and is used as a spice.

In general, explains the nutritionist, all types of cardamom are medicinal and are used as a spice.

Cardamom Recipes: Prepare incredible delights with this spice

Cardamom can be used in both savory and sweet recipes. It goes well, for example with poultry, red meat, fish, grains (such as rice and chickpeas), it can be used to make breads, pastries, cookies and more. Get inspired with good recipes:

Salty Recipes

1. Rye bread with coconut milk, lemon zest and cardamom: recipe that leaves the house with an amazing scent. In addition, the bread is very tasty, aromatic and cuddly. The blend of cardamom with coconut and lemon zest provides a number of different flavors to the taste.

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2. Cardamom and cinnamon rolls: The official name of this recipe is Kanelbullar, which is Swedish cardamom and cinnamon based sweets. The preparation can be a little laborious and requires several ingredients, but the result certainly pays off!

3. Salmon with cardamom and maple syrup: Great choice for increasing salmon consumption. This recipe is easy to make, delicious and requires few ingredients. In addition to the main ones, you will use smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Grilled Chicken with Cardamom and Thyme: Who says grilled chicken always needs to be "basic"! Cardamom, used in the marinade, adds a very special touch to this dish that, besides everything, has no secrets to prepare!

5. Pumpkin cream with cardamom and ginger: It is, in fact, a puree that takes only vegetable broth and pumpkin. Although it is a vegan recipe, it will surely please all palates. Great option for cooler days.

6. Coffee and Cardamom Risotto: A simple dish to make, but somewhat exotic to taste. The combination may cause some strangeness, but the result is a harmonious risotto that can go very well with a meat. The use of Parmesan cheese is essential in the recipe!

7. Cardamom Yam Soup: Great for a winter dinner. You will only use yam, water, olive oil, garlic, cardamom, parsley, salt, pepper and Brazil nuts. Remember that cardamom has a very intense flavor, so those who prefer can reduce the amount used in the recipe.

Sweet Recipes

8. Coconut and cardamom mini pudding: a different, tasty and light dessert. It is worth doing at home when receiving visitors and perhaps even serving on special occasions. You will need coconut milk, eggs, sugar, ground or seeded cardamom, lychees and pistachios to decorate.

9. Cardamom and Almond Pear Cake: A different and flavorful cake, perfect to make on a rainy weekend or any other time. The income is for eight people and the result is a cake, besides, beautiful!

10. Date and cardamom truffles: A good choice for those who cut or cut sugar in their diet, as this different version of truffle does not contain anything of this ingredient? The slightly sweet taste is due to the dates. So for those who like very sweet desserts, this is certainly not the best option.

11. Cornmeal with Cardamom: A gluten-free and milk-free recipe. Good choice for an afternoon snack with a black coffee. This version of the classic cornmeal cookie is even more fragrant and very easy to make.

12. Cardamom Orange Cookies: The preparation is very simple and you will only use wheat flour, cold unsalted butter, crystal or brown sugar, cardamom, eggs, zest and orange juice. The yield is 60 cookies, that is, can serve the whole family!

13. Sweet rice with cardamom and vanilla bean: Sweet rice is undoubtedly one of the most affective and simple desserts. A feature of this candy is its versatility and can be enhanced with ingredients such as cinnamon, cloves and, in this case, cardamom and vanilla bean. The version is very tasty and aromatic.

14. Coffee, vanilla and cardamom brigadeiro: The preparation is very similar to that of a traditional brigadeiro. The recipe is made only with instant coffee, cardamom seeds, vanilla pods, condensed milk and butter. Finally, the tip is to pass the brigadeiro in cocoa, granulated chocolate or ground almond.

15. Cardamom-flavored white hot chocolate: Great for those who love hot chocolate but like to vary their recipes! In this version you will use whole milk, fresh cream or cream, cardamom seeds, vanilla extract, white chocolate, whiskey or brandy and dark chocolate to decorate.

16. Blackberry jam with cardamom: an exotic, delicious and smooth combination. The preparation of the recipe, in general, is quite simple, the only? Challenge? is to remove the cabbage from the blackberries without crushing them (since they are very delicate).

Versatility and a special touch to your dishes or desserts? That's what cardamom offers to your kitchen!

Contraindications and warnings about consumption

In general, cardamom consumption is safe and contraindicated only for pregnant and lactating women.

However, as the spice has a strong flavor, it can cause reactions such as vomiting in some people. In this case, the ideal is to suspend the use of the ingredient.

Now you know the particulars of cardamom, its health benefits and know how to use it in various recipes!

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