25 Smart Tips To Make Your Hair Grow Faster

If you dream of having a big hair but think the wires are taking a long time to grow or that they just parked, be aware. Some factors can hinder normal wire development, which is about an inch a month.

The problem is usually linked to hormonal disorders or poor blood circulation. But there are also external factors that harm the hair. Here are 25 tips to make your hair grow faster healthily.

1. Cut your hair every 6-8 weeks. Doing this does not cause your hair to grow straight, but strengthens the strands to prevent breakage, after all, split-headed and brittle hair doesn't seem long? even though it's long.

2. Apply snow whites to the scalp. Make a snow-clear hair mask for healthier, stronger and more beautiful hair.

3. Drink water. Water helps flush toxins out of the body and make your hair grow longer and more resilient and hydrated. 2 liters per day is recommended.

4. Comb and brush your hair daily. It is not necessary to brush hair often or to exaggerate. Brushing them once a day helps to activate blood circulation in the scalp, helping to irrigate the region and strengthen new strands. But be careful: do not brush wet hair and if it is embarrassed, use a combing product.

5. Decrease the frequency of using the dryer and flat iron. This way your hair will be stronger, healthier and free of breaks and split ends, gaining perfect appearance from root to tip, essential to show your real length.

6. Include protein in the diet. Foods like eggs, fish and protein-rich fresh fruits and vegetables make your hair look better and stimulate your hair to grow faster.

7. Do not let vitamins in your body. Consult your endocrinologist and work with your dietitian to create a high vitamin diet. Your hair will be healthier and grow faster.

8. Bet on the essential oils. Mix 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil and 2 drops of thyme, red cedar and jojoba oil. Apply directly to the hair and you will see the difference.

9. Onion water. It may seem strange, but boiling two onions and using the water they boiled in your hair can help to grow faster. And leaves no smell after washing.

10. Potato mask to treat the threads. Mix in a blender 3 potatoes, an egg white and some honey to create your homemade treatment mask. It works similar to onion water.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar. Mix vinegar with some water and apply directly to hair after shampooing. To prevent it from smelling like vinegar, add 2 likes of the essential oil of your choice to the mixture.

12. Avoid silicone based hair products. As this type of substance obstructs the hair follicles, the hair ends up weakening and thus do not reach their full growth potential.

13. Do not apply conditioner to the scalp. In addition to making your hair greasy, this habit can give you dandruff. And to grow, the scalp must be healthy, so apply cream only at the hair length and not at the root.

14.Skip one or two days between your hair washes. So you avoid exposing your hair to everyday products and allowing it to release the natural oils your hair needs to stay healthy.

15. Do not abuse the use of hair styling products. Gel, fixing spray and mousse damage the hair and weaken it. Use only when extremely necessary.

16. Take care of your hair in the summer. Be sure to apply sunscreen to your hair and protect your hair with hats and caps, so you keep your scalp and hair healthy.

17. Include biotin in the menu. The biotin in foods like eggs, soy and liver has an amazing effect on hair and will make them grow faster.

18. Massage your hair while showering. When washing and shampooing your hair, gently massage your scalp without using your nails. This stimulates circulation in the scalp, which is vital for hair growth.

19. Do not sleep from trapped hair. However, if your hair gets too tangled, braid it loose or fasten it with a very weak elastic band to avoid hair fall and breakage.

20. Avoid stress. This problem of modern life can cause the wires to weaken and fall, and that's not what you want right now. Practice yoga or relaxation and invest in fun days to keep stress away.

21. Do not sleep with wet hair. This can damage the scalp and disrupt the healthy growth of the hair, as well as leaving the hair smelling bad.

22. Eat healthy. Your appearance depends directly on your health.There is no point in using the most expensive and powerful creams if your health is not going well. So adopt a balanced diet, talk to your dietitian and get started.

23. Visit your endocrinologist. Do endocrinological tests to make sure everything is fully functioning in your body. Thyroid problems, for example, can cause hair loss and thinning.

24. Stop smoking. The cigarette is a great villain, which can end the beauty of hair and still contributes to the hair does not grow. Nicotine makes it difficult for the blood to pass through the veins and, consequently, makes it difficult for all the nutrients that the hair needs.

25. Include fatty acids in the diet. Add nuts, nuts, fish and avocados to your diet, they are rich in fatty acids and will help you have healthier hair that grows at the right rate in the body.


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