Egg: A Tasty Food That Offers Many Health Benefits

Whether in salad or making an omelet, egg is part of most people's diets. And although it is a popular food, many people still do not know all the benefits it offers to health, do not know how often it can be consumed, among other important information.

Jackeline Taglieta, nutritionist from the University of São Paulo (USP), postgraduate in Functional Clinical Nutrition from Unicsul, says that the egg is a nutrient-rich food. Featured proteins, carotenoids (zeaxanthin and lutein), choline, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E and unsaturated fats. And besides being great in terms of nutrients, it is an affordable food, much cheaper than meat, for example ?, explains.


According to nutritionist Jackeline, the egg offers several health benefits. Among them, the following stand out:

  • It gives satiety and nutrition to the muscles due to its protein content.
  • Due to the content of zeaxanthin and lutein, it protects the eyes against degeneration caused by photoprotective damage.
  • Is it important for memory and learning because it contains choline? essential nutrient for the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine responsible for cognitive functions.
  • The egg is still a great ally of the health of hair, nails and skin, not only for protein, but mainly because it contains biotin, the so-called "beauty vitamin".
  • It favors bone health and the regulation of virtually all metabolic functions by vitamin D content, and also enhances immunity with the presence of vitamin A.
  • In weight loss diets, the egg is also a great food option because, because it contains protein, it helps satiety and therefore appetite control.
  • And, contrary to what was considered some time ago, the egg provides cardiovascular protection, because it contains vitamin E, which is highly antioxidant, and its profile of unsaturated fats.

The different types of eggs

Jackeline Taglieta points out that there are bank eggs and red eggs, which, in nutritional terms, has no significance, because the difference refers only to chicken breeds.

“What really matters is whether the egg is free-range, free-range or organic. The ones with the highest nutritional value are the last two, because chickens are kept free and scratch? which increases the amount of carotenoids in the egg. And the more orange the yolk, the higher its zeaxanthin and lutein content ?, explains the nutritionist.

In addition, Jackeline adds, the higher nutritional value is also related to the absence of chemical residues in the eggs of free-range chickens and those raised in the organic system, as they receive neither medications nor growth promoters. "In contrast, confined chickens receive these and other substances, such as chemotherapeutic, antifungal and dyes, added to the feed itself," he explains.

There is even the quail egg. "But visibly from the whitish color of the yolk, it has a lower carotenoid content," says the nutritionist.

How to consume it?

Nutritionist Jackeline explains that generally (unless contraindicated), one to two chicken eggs can be consumed daily. "But it is noteworthy that the more diverse the food, the better for the body," he says.

The best way to consume an egg is in boiled or poached versions, where oils are not used. "If it is stirred or grilled, it should not be done with too much oil or butter in the preparation (use enough just not to stick to the pan)," says nutritionist Jackeline.

The egg should not be eaten fried, "because frying decharacterizes the beneficial effects of food on cardiovascular health, increasing by itself the risks of atherosclerosis and cholesterol imbalances," says the nutritionist.

The professional adds that the consumption of raw eggs is not recommended due to the high risk of contamination by salmonella. "And the partially soft yolk should only be eaten from eggs of reliable origin," he says.

Jackeline also reminds that the eggshell should always be washed before breaking to remove dirt, minimizing the risk of contamination.

How to choose good eggs?

Jackeline explains that at the time of purchase, egg cartons should be arranged in a well-ventilated or refrigerated environment. • Plastic containers must be completely dry with no sign of condensed water vapor inside. And paper packaging cannot be moldy or moldy. Should the eggs come as a federal (S.I.F.) or state (S.I.E.) seal of inspection ?, he says.

Only buy eggs within the expiration date.Products should not have chicken droppings stains. They must be intact, without cracking. When shaking the eggs, the content should not move (if it happens, the egg is old) ?, adds the nutritionist.

How should eggs be stored at home?

Inside the refrigerator, at the bottom of the shelves, where temperatures stay cooler. "Leaving them in the door facilitates the proliferation of salmonella, because the product undergoes thermal fluctuations with the opening and closing of the refrigerator, facilitating the multiplication of bacteria present in eggs," says nutritionist Jackeline.


Jackeline Taglieta explains that egg contains allergenic proteins. • Generally allergic people (such as asthmatics and in some cases of skin allergies) should not make daily use of this food. And people with egg-specific allergies should not ingest them until the problem has been reversed.

"In addition, people with a protein-controlled diet, such as those with kidney disease, should have very controlled intake," adds the nutritionist.

Can excessive egg consumption cause health problems?

Although it offers all the health benefits mentioned, eggs should not be consumed in excess.

Just like other foods, any excess should be avoided. In the case of egg, consumption beyond the recommended may lead to the development of food hypersensitivity to the product. And because it is a protein food, the excess can lead to kidney overload depending on the amount of protein ingested in the diet ?, emphasizes nutritionist Jackeline.

Egg Recipe

If you also love eggs and already have the habit of consuming them often? but without exaggeration? You'll love the recipe below from nutritionist Jackeline Taglieta:


  • sliced ​​red onion
  • canola oil
  • cooked brown rice
  • free-range eggs
  • sea ​​salt
  • parsley
  • oregano
  • add carrots, tomatoes, leeks, beets, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, mushrooms, peas to taste.

Method of preparation

  • In a skillet, sauté the onion with a little oil.
  • Add the beaten eggs, mixed with the other ingredients.

Now you have all the information you need to consume and enjoy the many benefits that eggs offer to our health. It's worth adding it to the diet!

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