Skipping Rope Lose Up to 800 Calories in 1 Hour

How about a cheap, fun and very efficient activity? While it may seem like a child's play, jumping rope can be an amazing exercise for both health and the search for the dream body! Learn more about this sport that, besides being hot to practice, can provide amazing results.

The benefits of skipping rope

For starters, skipping rope is slim, and a lot! Some experts say it is possible to burn an average of 800kcal per hour of training. But this number may vary from person to person, depending on fitness, exercise intensity, and time spent.

And the activity is efficient not only in caloric expenditure. According to the physical educator Thiago E. A. Domingues, "skipping rope is extremely positive for the development of the cardiorespiratory system and the musculoskeletal system (especially in the lower limbs)." Thus, it is possible to strengthen the legs, arms, abdomen and even the heart, all at once. Exercise also develops the practitioner's coordination, agility and balance.

Best of all, it can be a very fun activity! Over time, you can vary your exercises, jump with one foot, back and forth, and even alternate rhythms according to music.

The necessary equipment

One of the great strengths of skipping rope is practicality. The equipment used is minimal and very affordable. The rope does not take up space, is not expensive and the exercise can be practiced in different environments. Thus, there are no excuses for getting away from physical activity on trips or weekends, as it is possible to take the rope anywhere.

Thiago Domingues explains that there is no ideal type of rope to practice. Today, in the market, it is possible to find ropes of various materials, such as silicone, leather and nylon, and it is up to the practitioner to know which one fits best. See some options in online stores in Brazil:

Nylon Polymet Rope for R $ 15,90 at Netshoes

Hidrolight Rope With Spin Counter for R $ 39,90 at Centauro

Muvin CDP-400 Leather Jump Rope for R $ 36,90 on Kanui

Jump in Domyos adult rope for R $ 34,95 at Decathlon

Reebok Pro Speed ​​Professional Rope for R $ 49,90 at Netshoes

Muvin CDP-500 Digital Skipping Rope for R $ 40,90 at Kanui

Nike Speed ​​Rope Skipping Rope for $ 99.90 at Kanui

An important aspect is the length of the rope: it must be appropriate to the height of the student. To measure, step with one foot in the center of the rope and pull both ends up close to your body. Thus, the rope should reach roughly between the waist and the armpits.

The following infographic, posted on the Wellness program website, shows how you can make your own rope! Check out:

Exercise Contraindications

Although it seems like a simple exercise, Thiago Domingues points out that not everyone is able to practice it. Skipping rope may be contraindicated in pregnant women, people with joint problems (such as ankles, knees and spine), overweight, hypertensive or cardiovascular problems, among other cases.

Therefore, it is essential to consult your doctor before beginning the practice of physical activities. The guidance of a qualified professional in the field of physical education is also indispensable to set up the proper training and guide the student on the performance of the movements.

More tips for those who want to practice the activity

So, were you excited? See the tips below for those just starting out and get your rope ready now!

  • Dress in light clothing that is suitable for physical activity.
  • To avoid injury, choose a shoe that can withstand the impact of the jump.
  • The rope can be of different materials, and the choice is up to the practitioner. However, some professionals indicate the heavier plastic, leather or vinyl ropes.
  • Exercise can be practiced anywhere. To prevent falls, just make sure that the floor is not slippery.
  • Hydrate yourself! Skipping rope is an aerobic exercise and can dehydrate the body. So always have a small bottle of water nearby.
  • Start slowly. Ideally, practice a little every day. Because exercise requires fitness, you can alternate with other lighter exercises such as walking and progressively increase the time and intensity of the jumps.

Skipping rope at home

Follow the video below for an easy exercise session to do at home. Do not stand still! Talk to your physical trainer and start your workout today and burn calories by skipping rope.

Cardio that burns the most calories (April 2024)

  • Fitness, Weight Loss, Fitness
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