Benefits of Magnesium for the Heart

Magnesium is a fundamental substance for the heart to function properly, as it prevents the heart from triggering or slowing its heart rate unexpectedly, causing a potentially dangerous cardiac arrhythmia. This mineral plays its role as a protector of the heart by participating in the contractions of the myocardium, the heart muscle and therefore should be incorporated into the routine through a healthy and balanced diet.

To think that arrhythmias happen only in cases of congenital diseases or the use of certain medications is misleading. The heart can reach an alarming rate of less than 50 or more than 100 beats per minute from magnesium imbalance in the body of a healthy individual.

Cardiologist Enrique Pachón of the HCor Arrhythmia Service? Heart Hospital in the city of Sao Paulo often warns: "Many arrhythmias caused by lack of magnesium can be sudden and fatal." The caution of the specialist is justified because some changes in the myocardium are asymptomatic and can lead to cardiac arrest over time, which when not causing death can cause damage that is difficult to recover or permanent.

Magnesium: Proven Hero of the Heart

According to a study from Harvard University, people who consume at least 300 milligrams of magnesium daily have a 37% lower risk of sudden death due to lack of heart rhythm imbalance.

Another research by Justus-Liebig University in Germany reveals that daily mineral supplements taken for six months can reduce blood glucose levels by almost 10%? since magnesium facilitates the passage of glucose in cell membranes and influences their burning. This reduction in sugar levels is critical to preventing diabetes, which is considered one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular problems.

In addition, it is common sense in the medical and scientific community that the veins and arteries of the heart benefit from the blood coagulation work in which magnesium participates, as this mineral prevents excessively adherent blood platelets and causes thrombi that can clog vessels and cause heart attacks and strokes.

How to insert magnesium in food

Being aware of the fundamental role of magnesium, however, is no reason to despair for fear of not having the proper amount of magnesium in the body, because the nutritional deficiency of this element is very difficult to establish, since this mineral is present in many food, and those who maintain a minimally healthy eating routine are not at risk.

For those who have questions about what foods to consume to have this nutrient in their diet, nutritionist Isabella Peixoto advises: "Magnesium should be consumed by eating mostly dark green vegetables, in addition to vegetables." such as peeled potatoes and beets; legumes? as chickpeas, peas and lentils; whole grains? like granola and oats; nuts and seeds? such as nuts, sesame and pumpkin seeds; fruits? like avocado and banana; soy foods and whole wheat prepared foods.

According to the nutritionist, who is responsible for feeding employees of companies such as Honda and C&A and STX Europe, attention to the consumption of magnesium should be maintained with regard to food combination, as some may make it difficult for the body to absorb magnesium.

• Magnesium-rich foods should be combined with meat proteins, egg yolk vitamin D and milk lactose for the body to take advantage of the mineral properly. Is there also a need for balance in food choices because excessive dairy consumption? with your calcium; of beans? with your match; of cereals? with their phytates; and diuretic drinks make it difficult to absorb magnesium. ?, explains Isabella.

Therefore, this wonderful mineral deserves attention in your diet, as the benefits to the heart will extend its beauty, as magnesium will help your body stay in a healthy harmony.

Why magnesium is so good for you (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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