10 tips for saving energy with air conditioning

Summer may even be approaching its end on the official calendar, but the reality of many regions of Brazil is that it is very hot all year round. Not to mention where all seasons happen on the same day, with temperatures approaching 30 OC in some periods.

In that case, lucky ones who have an air conditioner, right? More or less: Although it is a relief for the warmer days, this device can be a real villain in energy consumption. So here are some tips to help you save on air conditioning without having to melt heat:

1. Keep an eye on the label

If you are thinking of buying an air conditioner, be sure to see if it has the Procel Energy Saving Seal. This label ensures that the model chosen is among the air conditioners that have the highest levels of energy efficiency.

2. It is worth investing in special features.

At the time of purchase, do not fall into the temptation to make an economy that may prove to be an even greater expense during use. It is therefore preferable to invest a few dollars more in models that have programming features such as timer it's the sleep.

3. Check if the appliance is suitable for your environment.

It is no use installing a recommended air-conditioning unit for a 12 m² room in a 50 m² commercial room. If your air conditioner is not sufficient for the size of the environment, might it be more interesting to buy another unit or even change appliances? otherwise, you will only waste energy while continuing to heat.

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4. Follow the installation recommendations

Improper installation can increase the power consumption of an air conditioner by up to 20%. Therefore, when deciding where it will be located, make sure that the condenser (outside) will have good air circulation and will be protected from direct sunlight without blocking the grilles.

5. Remember the Hot Air Balloon Principle

Those beautiful hot air balloons that color the skies can fly because hot air is less dense than cold air. Therefore, in order for your air conditioner to cool the environment without wasting energy, it must be installed at higher points so that the cooled air descends and occupies the entire room.

6. Maintain a moderate temperature.

It may seem tempting to put the air conditioner on 11 OC when the day is very hot but the truth is that a temperature between 22 OC and 24 OWill C already be quite comfortable for most people? and without wasting that much energy.

7. Close doors and windows

It is worth remembering that for the air conditioner to work efficiently, the doors and windows of the room must be tightly closed, avoiding the entry of warm air from outside. Otherwise, your poor device could enter a failed attempt to cool the whole world.

8. Know when to turn off the power

As you leave the room quickly, it is worth leaving the air conditioner on, otherwise it will end up using even more energy to cool the room again. However, if you are going to be away for a longer period, the device should be switched off.

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9. Leave the function sleep work for you

At bedtime, enable the sleep so that the appliance can automatically adjust the room temperature, helping you save energy and sleep in a comfortable environment.

10. Keep filters clean

In addition to being essential to prevent breathing problems caused by dust and microorganisms, proper cleaning of air conditioner filters prevents your device from becoming overloaded and using more energy.

Following the manufacturer's recommendations for installing, using, and maintaining the air conditioner will not only help you save on your electricity bill, but will also extend the life of the appliance. Therefore, always take a good read in the product manual to know the specifications of each device.


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