29 rice recipes to accompany the most varied dishes

Nothing is more popular in the kitchen than the combination of rice and beans. But of course, beans are not the only? Mate? of this dish so versatile and dear!

Rice can be prepared in the most traditional way, on the stove, but also in many other ways, such as in the microwave or turning into a delicious oven rice, earning other delicious ingredients.

Oven rice, by the way, is a great idea for reusing food: having cooked rice left over, just mix it with other ingredients you already have at home and take it to the oven? The result is a practical and delicious meal.

Can rice still be white (traditional), brown, black, pecan, red? Can it be prepared only with garlic and onions or, for example, with vegetables, turning into a delicious Greek rice? You can accompany meat, fish, poultry, salads and anything else your imagination allows! It can even turn into candy!

Anyway, the possibilities are endless when the ingredient is rice, get inspired by delicious recipes!

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Simple Rice Recipes

1. Soltinho rice: a recipe without mysteries. You will only use rice, hot water, minced onion, garlic, olive oil and salt. Ideal for everyday life, is that kind of rice that is loose and tasty.

2. Brown rice not to go out of the diet: For those who want to consume brown rice, but have questions about how to do it, the secret is to soak in water and vinegar or lemon for about 24 hours. But if you don't have all this time, any hour of dressing is better than nothing!

3. Saffron or Turmeric Rice: Recipe that shows that rice can? Change a lot? if you use different ingredients. Food is often the staple, but you can add some rice, which already adds a touch of glamor essential for certain occasions.

4. Sage Rice: Very easy to prepare, you only need boiled rice, butter and sage. The result is a different and very tasty rice, ideal for a weekend lunch, for example, accompanying the meat of your choice.

5. Seasoned Rice: Quick and easy recipe for you to vary everyday white rice! This rice is tasty and you can use the ingredients you like, such as bacon, shredded chicken, minced or shredded meat, dried meat or just vegetables.

Also read: 18 rice ball recipes to reuse leftovers in a tasty way

6. Green corn rice: a good tip when you want to eat a different rice, tasty and easy to make. You will only use rice, fresh green corn, garlic, minced onion, oil, water, salt and turmeric from the ground.

7. Colored Rice: An easy-to-make rice that gains a special touch due to the use of different ingredients. You will need white rice, grated carrots, snow peas, green corn, garlic, oil, butter, salt and boiling water.

8. Healthy rice: It's almost time for lunch, you know that you will receive visitors and then need an easy recipe, delicious and fast ?! This rice is the tip, after all, is healthy and is super tasty, everyone will love!

9. Sausage Rice: This may not be a good dinner dish, but it is great to do on a weekday when you don't have many menu options. Not to mention it's a comfort food option!

10. Sausage rice for the main course: Simple to prepare, it's a complete meal option! You will only use sliced ​​minced pork sausage, onion, oil, tomato extract, chicken stock, mustard, rice, parsley, chives and salt.

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11. Creamy Rice: What do you usually do with leftover cooked rice for lunch or dinner? The tip is to bet on this recipe for creamy rice, which includes milk, sour cream, egg, butter, chives and Parmesan cheese.

More elaborate rice recipes

12. Traditional Oven Rice: Oven rice is always a very versatile recipe as you can use whatever ingredients you have at home. Also, it's a great idea for reusing food.

13. Creamy oven rice: Is there a home cooked rice left over from yesterday's lunch ?! So you just need basically a few more pieces of ham, a little bit of curd, some slices of mozzarella and olives!

144 Cheese Oven Rice: Another great recipe to enjoy yesterday's rice? And the final taste is exciting! You will only use boiled rice, catupiry, gorgonzola, mozzarella, sour cream and Parmesan cheese.

15. Cod-Oven Rice: A very creamy cod-oven rice with a crispy crust of straw potatoes and au gratin mozzarella. How not to love?! To make and please the whole family!

Read also: 10 different and tasty rice pudding recipes to make the whole family happy

16. Rice with Shrimp: A practical and tasty recipe, especially due to the use of shrimp. You will use olive oil, onions, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, chili sauce, snow peas, shrimps, salt, spicy paprika, needling rice, water and turmeric.

17. Lentil Rice: Does it say that eating lentils in the New Year brings luck and prosperity? But regardless, is it true that lentils are good to eat all year round, as in this recipe? She makes a good income and is perfect for family reunions!

18. Greek Rice: Very easy to make and tasty, you only need garlic, onion, carrots, red peppers, yellow peppers, peas, raisins, rice needles, water, olive oil and salt.

19. One Thousand Grain Rice: A delicious way to vary everyday rice. You will use garlic, olive oil, brown rice, water, salt, pepper, marjoram sprouts, cabotian squash, frozen peas, broccoli, grated carrots and Parmesan cheese.

20. Piamontese Rice: A creamy, soft cheese-flavored rice that is perfect combined with some gravy-filled meat. Is it like? If the sauce embraced the rice and magic happened before your eyes and stomach ?!

21. Carrer rice: You will only use onion, tomato, garlic, chopped soft cushion, sweet paprika, tomato extract, broth, arboreal rice, boiling water, salt, black pepper, parsley, chives and cheese. Parmesan.

22. Mussel clam rice: a touch of elegance and flavor for rice! You will need onion, garlic, red pepper, green pepper, olive oil, water, English sauce, mussel kernels, salt, pepper, salt and coriander.

23. Chicken Rice, Curry and Coconut Milk: For a Complete Meal! You will need olive oil, onion, carrot, celery, ginger, chicken, raw rice, coconut milk, curry, salt, black pepper and parsley.

24. Rice with nuts, almonds, nuts and raisins: a delicious side dish for your barbecue! But you can do it whenever you want, for example with good meat and salad!

Sweet Rice Recipes

25. Traditional rice pudding: A recipe for traditional plain rice without condensed milk and sour cream. You will only use rice, water, cloves, cinnamon, whole milk, sugar and cinnamon.

26. Creamy Sweet Rice: Easy to prepare, this sweet rice is delicious and smooth. You will only use rice, water, lemon peel, milk, cinnamon, sugar and cloves. Good choice for June / Juline parties!

27. Sweet rice Nest: a special touch for this sweet that is already so dear! You will only need rice, water, milk, condensed milk, oil and milk powder. How about taste this weekend?

28. Brown rice: A lighter version of this known candy. White rice is replaced by brown rice and condensed milk by coconut milk. The sugar used is brown, and cinnamon and cloves make the recipe more tasty and healthy.

29. Vegan Sweet Rice: The recipe is for four people, and you will use rice, water, almond milk, demerara sugar, star anise or cinnamon sticks, salt, coconut milk or soy and clove cream.

Prepared simply or more elaborately, rice is always the right accompaniment to meat and / or vegetables. It is worthwhile to be inspired by the recipes and vary the preparation when possible!

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