5 Amazing Facts About Orgasm

There are some interesting facts about female orgasm that still remain unknown to most people. In light of this, we have listed some of these curiosities about women's orgasm, check it out.

1 ? Orgasm improves with age

Over the years, the woman becomes more experienced and with this the quality of orgasms also improves. Knowing one's own body plays a key role in orgasm, as knowing how to find the G-spot is crucial to achieving an orgasm and helping the man make the woman have one.

Therefore, although the libido may decrease slightly over time, in contrast, the woman knows herself better and knows how to give herself more pleasure.

2 ? Woman reaches orgasm faster with masturbation

Recent research has shown that it takes women an average of four minutes to reach orgasm through masturbation, while it takes between ten and twenty minutes to reach it through penetration.

The survey also found that 75% of women admit they need clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm because they cannot orgasm only through penetration.

3? Using condoms does not affect the quality of orgasms

According to a study from Indiana University, the quality of female orgasms has nothing to do with whether or not condoms are used. That is, it is possible to have orgasms even when penetration occurs with condom use, which eliminates this excuse not to protect themselves.

Contrary to popular belief, condoms help couples maintain penetration longer, as men need not worry about stopping intercourse quickly so as not to ejaculate inside a woman. This way, the woman may even be more likely to have an orgasm because it is stimulated longer.

4? The quality of orgasm may be influenced by a woman's self-esteem.

If a woman is ashamed of her private parts, this can directly affect the quality and frequency of orgasms. Each vagina looks different and women who consider their vagina "ugly" may suffer because of it.

If the woman has no genital health problems and no deformation, she has no reason to think that her vagina is less attractive than another woman's. If it is serving your pleasure well and you feel no pain, there is no point in torturing yourself with negative thoughts.

5? Orgasms can ease pain

Ocitonica, a hormone considered a love hormone, is elevated by up to 40% after orgasm. Because oxytocin promotes well-being, a sense of relaxation and even unity among people, there is no doubt that it is a strong reason not to skimp on pleasure. This hormone, during orgasm, helps relieve tension and pain, and it is rumored that even thinking about sex may help in this regard.

In addition to oxytocin, the release of endorphins during sexual activity also contributes to decreased pain. This is because endorphin as well as oxytocin are hormones responsible for pain control.

So if you are thinking about giving that old headache excuse to get away from sex with your partner, think carefully, as he may be aware that orgasm helps relieve pain.

10 things you didn't know about orgasm | Mary Roach (April 2024)

  • Orgasm, Relationships, Sex
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