5 good reasons for you to have coffee

For some people it is practically synonymous with "good morning". Others prefer to drink it in the afternoon, and many even confess to having several cups throughout the day? The fact is that, regardless of preferences, coffee is part of the life of the majority of the population.

But not all people feel safe about this habit. After all, is coffee good or bad for your health? What is the recommended daily intake? Can everyone consume it?

Below you will have the opportunity to clarify all these doubts about coffee consumption, but before that, check out a list with good reasons to consume this tasty and so traditional drink on the table of Brazilians:

Benefits Coffee Can Offer

If you already love coffee, you'll love this list. But if you don't like it (or just don't have a habit of drinking it), you'll find good reasons to drink this one of the most consumed drinks in the world.

1. Coffee can prevent disease

Vânia Beletate, nutritionist, specialist in Clinical Nutrition and Master of Evidence-Based Medicine from Unifesp, explains that coffee, if ingested without excess, can bring health benefits. "This is because some studies indicate that coffee can prevent some diseases such as type II diabetes, alcoholic cirrhosis and Parkinson's disease," he says.

Also according to the professional, some epidemiological studies point to a neuroprotective role of coffee in relation to the development of Alzheimer's. "In addition to caffeine, other antioxidant compounds in coffee may play an essential role in protecting against this disease," he adds.

2. Coffee gives you more energy

Coffee, if consumed correctly, can indeed be very useful in people's daily lives.

Vânia Beletate explains that due to its main psychoactive principle, caffeine, coffee "improves alertness, provides more energy and decreases sleepiness and tiredness". So it's a good option especially in the lives of people who have a pretty hectic routine.

3. Coffee increases the ability to concentrate

The nutritionist Vânia points out that, also due to the presence of caffeine, coffee, besides providing greater energy, increases the ability to concentrate. This way, it works by making the person smarter? and ready for your daily tasks.

4. Coffee can help with weight loss diets

Vânia Beletate points out that several human studies suggest that coffee consumption induces weight loss by increasing thermogenesis. "Within this idea, it is estimated that the average intake of 6 cups of coffee daily causes an increase in daily energy consumption of approximately 100 kcal," he explains.

It is also believed that adequate coffee consumption can improve the performance of the person who practices physical activities.

5. Coffee Time Makes Your Day More Enjoyable

Whoever drinks that coffee daily will be very identified with this item. This is because, for many people, taking a cup of coffee means much more than just drinking it.

Get out of bed and remember that first of all, "a cup of coffee awaits you"; knowing that in the middle of the afternoon you will gain a few more minutes of rest while sipping your coffee; catch up with a friend, family member or someone special while sipping coffee? These are details that, even without much explanation, really make a difference in people's daily lives!

Recommended coffee consumption and contraindications

It is worth noting that to offer any of these benefits, coffee must be consumed moderately. "It is recommended to drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day, but there are some exceptions where coffee is not indicated," explains Vânia Beletate.

Consumption is contraindicated, for example, for people suffering from insomnia, high blood pressure, gastritis, peptic ulcer. • Heartburn is one of the most frequent complaints after drinking coffee. Could this effect be based on direct irritation of the esophageal mucosa ?, explains nutritionist Vânia.

"It is noteworthy that it is good to avoid coffee after meals, as some scientific studies show that drinking a cup of coffee after a meal reduces the absorption of non-heme iron (beans, for example) by 40%," says Vânia.

The nutritionist adds that the way coffee is made also makes a difference in health."Espresso coffee should be avoided and strained coffee filter paper should be preferred so that the cafestol and kahweol present in the drink are retained in the filter preventing the elevation of bad cholesterol, LDL," he says.

Coffee should not be consumed with too much sugar. The ideal is to take it pure, but, as not all people are used to its strong flavor, the tip is to sweeten it in moderation, preferably following the guidelines of a nutritionist, who will indicate what is the best product for this (sweetener, honey, brown sugar etc.).

Now you have good reason to include a few cups of coffee in your menu and some important tips to make it really suitable!

7 Facts About Coffee You Probably Didn’t Know (April 2024)

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