5 super potent teas to help get rid of abdominal fat

Do you already know the power of teas to eliminate belly fat? Be aware that in addition to abdominal exercises and a balanced diet, teas are excellent allies for losing weight and fat.

The result of the consumption of these teas is so good that the habit was adopted by several famous, such as Fernanda Souza, Sabrina Sato, Xuxa, Ellen Roche and Polliana Aleixo.

Coupled with a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains, and physical exercise, these teas dry your belly and help you achieve the silhouette you've always dreamed of.

The recipes do not include any sugar, but if you miss the sweet taste, prefer a stevia sweetener.

1. Green Tea

It may not be your favorite flavor, but green tea has powerful effects on the body. Because it contains stimulants like caffeine, green tea can speed up your metabolism, making you burn more calories. In addition, it contains antioxidants, which fight cell aging, and important minerals such as potassium and fluoride.

This drink is so beneficial to the body that it is still capable of detoxifying, lowering cholesterol levels and regulating blood pressure.


  • 500 mL of water
  • 10 tbsp green tea leaves

Method of preparation

Heat the water to the point before boiling. Turn off the heat, add the leaves and let the infusion stand until warm, always with the container closed. It is recommended to drink tea within 24 hours.

2. Mint Tea with Lemon

Mint is an herb that contributes to the digestion process, making the body function more efficiently and is able to eliminate fats and toxins from the wrong diet.

In addition, mint gives a relaxing effect, reducing anxiety. And you know: when anxiety hits, it is quite common to want to cash in on food.

To enhance the effect of tea, you can add some lemon juice, which provides thermogenic effect.


  • 10 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 10 cups of water
  • 1 lemon juice

Method of preparation

Heat the water to small bubbles and add the well-washed mint leaves. Then squeeze the lemon juice, wait for the tea to warm and refrigerate for two hours.

3. Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea became a craze among the famous ones like Sabrina Sato and Fernanda Souza. This plant has antioxidant effect (fighting free radicals and cell aging), diuretic (eliminates excess fluid) and weight loss, helping to lose abdominal fat.

Even the former chiquitita, who was once considered "cheinha", paid tribute to the hibiscus tea on her Instagram. She published an image of her flat belly accompanied by the caption "A pro-oblique kiss that is popping up (hibiscus tea is life, girls)." That is, the tea is really good!


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp dry hibiscus

Method of preparation

Heat the water until it begins to form small bubbles, but do not let it boil. Turn off the heat, add the hibiscus and cover the container. Let the infusion stand for 5 to 10 minutes and drink immediately afterwards.

4. Ginger and Senna Tea

Ginger is a thermogenic root, meaning it increases the body's energy expenditure and eliminates abdominal fat. In addition, it prevents serious diseases such as colon cancer and cardiovascular dysfunction.

Senna, in turn, has a laxative effect, stimulating the intestine to eliminate waste derived from food and preventing the accumulation of fat located in the belly.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 piece of ginger with about 2 fingers
  • 1 cup of senna

Method of preparation

Heat the water to the point before boiling. Turn off the heat, add ginger and senna and muffle the container. Let the infusion stand for 5 to 10 minutes and drink immediately afterwards.

5. Olive Leaf Tea

Olive trees are most famous for producing olives and olive oil, but be aware that their leaves are thermogenic ingredients that help you lose weight and eliminate fat. For best results, drink hot or cold tea before meals.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 tablespoons dried olive leaves

Method of preparation

Heat the water and turn off the heat before boiling. Add the olive leaves and cover the container. Let the infusion stand for 5 to 10 minutes before consuming.

Of course, teas alone are no miracle, but if they are associated with a balanced diet and physical activity, they may be the little push you need to begin to notice a decrease in waist circumference.

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