Find out how much time women spend worrying about their appearance

A study of 2,000 women found that each year, on average, they care about their appearance for 627 hours and 28 minutes. Most of this time is spent simply worrying about what to wear and then worrying about how the clothes look during the day. But being overweight is a major concern for women, as they think for up to 1 hour and 46 minutes about it each week. Here are the top concerns and the time they spend thinking about each aspect of their appearance:

  1. What to wear ? 50 min;
  2. Is this clothes good? ? 1 hour and 32 min;
  3. Are my fats covered? ? 1 hour 26 min;
  4. What lingerie to wear not to appear on clothes? ? 39 min;
  5. I am overweight? ? 1 hour 46 min;
  6. Am I too thin? ? 22 min;
  7. Am I swollen? ? 1 hour and 1 min;
  8. Breasts too big? 37 min;
  9. Breasts too small? 32 min;
  10. Pimples? 56 min;
  11. Irregular skin tone? 50 min;
  12. Suntan or lack of suntan? 36 min;
  13. Frizzy or oily hair? 57 mins

Total time spent in the week worrying? 12 hours and 4 min. And you, how much time do you spend thinking about how to get ready? Leave your answer in the comments.

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