7 Bad Habits For Your Health And How To Avoid Them

Here's how to eliminate some bad habits from your daily life:

  1. Falling asleep makeup
    If you do this only once or twice during the year, with luck, you will only notice the appearance of one or two pimples and some blackheads. But if you make it a habit, you will have clogged pores and therefore a breeding ground for bacteria to thrive on it! Removing all makeup with water and face soap is the ideal way to safely remove all products from your skin. And don't forget the mascara. Sleeping with mascara on the eyelashes can cause swelling in the eyelid region.
  2. Put on sneakers to go to work and then put on heels
    It is a common misconception to think that flat shoes are good for your feet, ideally having a low heel. However, the sneakers that wrap around and fit into your bag are even worse as they offer no stability or cushioning for your feet. The option may not be the most appropriate in terms of style, but sports shoes with bumpers are the best alternative for maintaining the health of your feet, ankles and even your spine.
  3. Napping with contact lenses
    Sleeping with eye lenses can lead to far greater problems than eye dryness. This may cause more serious damage, such as corneal infections, which in more severe cases, only one transplant can solve. Try to keep your lens always clean and close to you. Wash your hands before placing them over your eyes, and use new disinfectant solutions with each application.
  4. Forget about the thong
    The daily brushing cleans much of your mouth, but only the floss reaches food and dirt that remain between your teeth. Any residue trapped between the teeth has a chance to turn into bacteria that can corrode the enamel and cause tooth decay. Brush your teeth at least three times a day and floss whenever you perform your oral hygiene.
  5. Eat fast food every day
    This is not just about the risk of getting fat. If you have a habit of eating snacks on the street, you are generally prone to serious short-term or long-term health problems. Try to invest in vegetables, protein and carbohydrates bought by you and prepared at home. This gives you control over adding salt and other components to your own food.

  6. Overdoing alcohol on the weekend
    Alcohol consumption increases the risk of mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon and breast cancer among women. If you can't help it, one drink a day (weekend) is enough. Try not to exceed this amount or you may have serious health problems.
  7. Not exercising enough
    Daily exercise not only helps to ward off worry, fatigue and weight gain, but it can also change your mental state. And if you are not taking care of your body, it will reflect on other areas of your life. This translates into how you eat, how you maintain your home, and even your self-esteem. Take the test: Can you get up from a sitting position without using your hands? If not, start doing squats. And hold heavy things for a minute? If not, you need time to exercise your muscles. Determine the lifestyle you want to live. Ask yourself: What am I willing to do this week? Even if it's just walking for five minutes, do it, and write it down in a goal book to see what you've already achieved. Get in the habit of doing something every day. Take dance classes, walk, climb the stairs, and any other activity that makes you move.


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