Learn a soap trick to quickly and easily clean a stove top

Do you know those jokes on Facebook that say that those who like to kiss are teenagers, because adults really like buying tools and having a clean house? If you identify with these phrases, today's tip will make you very happy.

After all, having a stove glowing like new gives that satisfaction, doesn't it? That sense of accomplishment, of maturity, that we can keep everything under control? at least for a few minutes.

If you look at your stove's mouths and they are stained, burnt and greasy and you miss the good times when your appliance was brand new, you need to know the tip of soap cleaning.

That's right: just with ordinary soap, steel wool and a little water, your stove's mouths will be clean. Check out the video posted by Cantinho da Culinaria Fácil channel and follow the step by step:

1. Soak the stove, scrub the soap and wait about 2 minutes;

2. Rub the mouth with the steel wool until all dirt is removed;

3. Ready! Your stove's mouths will be glowing!

As you can see, most of the stains, dirt and burnt fat came out, and the stove's mouth looked much better.

Read also: 40 cleaning tricks for those who hate wasting time cleaning

However, the soap trick does no miracle with the debris that is most embedded in the corners. To remove these darker parts, you will need to scrub longer using a more abrasive object or a more powerful chemical than soap.

Other cleaning methods

If the soap method didn't work very well for your stove, be aware that there are still a few tricks to making your appliance clink. Choose your favorite one and let the stove shine without getting the muscular arm from rubbing:

  • Method 1: boil the mouths for 10 minutes in water with a little detergent and vinegar;
  • Method 2: boil the mouths for 10 minutes in salted water, vinegar and detergent;
  • Method 3: boil the mouths for 10 minutes in salted water, vinegar, lemon and soap powder;
  • Method 4: Boil the mouths for 10 minutes in water with apple cider vinegar. Then remove, allow to cool and scrub with a steel wool and detergent.

When using different cleaning products, always be aware of safety precautions and do not mix products that react dangerously with each other as you may even cause an explosion.

The general rule is never to mix bleach with another product, but you can check the full list in this regard.

It's pretty easy to clean your gas cooktop (CNET How To) (May 2024)

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