5 Tips That Will Help You Solve Any Problem

Do problems often linger in your mind for days without finding a solution to them? With some advice, everything will be solved easily:

  1. Pretend the problem is not very important to you
    Try to mentally distance yourself from the problem by imagining that you are solving it for someone else and it has nothing to do with you. This helps open your imagination to solutions you weren't thinking about and helps you solve everything calmly. Experts call this the creation of psychological distance.
  2. Draw a picture of the problem
    Try sketching charts or timelines to help you see the solutions better. Drawing an image or making an organization chart helps you understand details that could go unnoticed if you were left alone in thought.
  3. Take a break
    Standing still looking at the computer solves nothing. Try to get up, take a walk, take a shower or run. Insights often come when people are taking a break from routine activities.
  4. Work even when you're not well
    No matter what the problem is, try to tackle it on a day when you would rather not do it. For example, if you feel tired in the morning, start thinking about the problem right after waking up, even before breakfast. Having less focus can help come up with a solution. When it comes to thinking creatively, too much intelligence can hurt.
  5. Get out of your usual space
    Try to be in different places. Sit in a cafe for an hour, look for work in an empty room. Changing environments may be the key to opening the mind. A new environment means different stimuli, which can trigger new ideas or thoughts.

Via Fitnea

5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos (April 2024)

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