Banana Vegetable Milk is easy to make and brings flavor, freshness and energy to your day.

Vegetable milks are excellent alternatives for those with diets restricted to animal milks or for those who just want to vary the menu with a differentiated and healthier option. Many vegetable milks are already well known and widespread on the national scene, and are even found in common supermarkets.

Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, its sweet taste and the convenience of consuming it anywhere pleases many people. Consuming your milk is a different way to consume the fruit and enjoy its nutrients.

Banana milk is not yet so widespread and the best option to consume it is to prepare it at home, as the process is simple and economical.

The drink is a mixture of water, banana and some variations depending on the recipe, which results in milk, which can be consumed pure, with other foods or even sweet recipes like cakes and vitamins.

5 Benefits Of Banana Milk

A positive factor in the consumption of vegetable milks is that each has distinct benefits, so varying the consumption of different vegetable milks in daily life also has a range of health benefits. Below we list, with the help of Dr. Cristiane Braga Kanashiro from Due Clinic, the benefits of banana milk, check out:

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  1. It is rich in sucrose, glucose and fructose, giving great energetic contribution to the cells;
  2. It is rich in iron;
  3. It is a source of potassium;
  4. Helps prevent anemia;
  5. Helps in the prevention of high blood pressure.

How to make banana milk

Unlike many vegetable milks, the preparation of banana milk is not necessary to soak, which makes the recipe a more practical and faster process compared to others. Total milk preparation time is no more than 5 minutes. Check out the recipe provided by the Cultura Veg blog:


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of salt

Method of preparation:

Simply whisk all ingredients in a blender until they become liquid and frothy.


Read also: Vegetable milk: 13 easy recipes for you to make at home

  • If desired, add a few drops of vanilla essence;
  • Do not add sugar as the banana is already naturally sweet and rich in sugars.

Tips for making the most of banana milk

Banana milk is a great snack option as it is energetic, high in carbohydrates and low in fat. It can be consumed in a variety of ways, in vitamins, shakes and smoothies, combined with other fruits and fibers such as oats, chia, etc., comments Dr. Cristiane. "It can also be used in the preparation of dishes," he adds. Check out some useful information about banana milk:

Shelf life: immediate consumption.

How to use: pure consumption or preferably sweet recipes.

Contraindications: There are no contraindications, but "in some individuals it can cause a faster bowel rhythm," warns Dr. Cristiane. People on carbohydrate-restricted diets should perform moderate consumption.

Banana Types: nanica, silver, apple or gold.

Read also: 100 Lactose Free Recipes for Healthy and Tasty Meals

A great source of iron and potassium, banana milk is also very refreshing on hot days. It is interesting to vary the consumption of vegetable milks to have a diet with diverse nutrients and flavors.

By combining banana milk consumption with other healthy foods and habits, you keep your health up to date. Remembering that when doubts arise it is always interesting to consult the opinion of a nutritionist.

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