6 Tips To Keep Your Skin Beautiful And Healthy During Winter

This is the time of year when people split between the group that loves to curl up under the covers drinking hot chocolate and the group that just can't stand the cold and makes it very clear on social networks.

Surely, have you ever witnessed some heated discussions? At least the discussions are warmer! ? about winter being better than summer and vice versa, but the fact is that temperatures won't rise or fall because of that.

In fact, there is a common ground for everyone in this story: we are all subject to the damaging effects of cold on the skin, which becomes more sensitive, rough, dry and bruised at this time of year.

That's why we've broken down some tips for taking care of your skin even on the coldest days, regardless of whether you're happy in winter or not.

1. Protect your lips from the cold

With cold temperatures and freezing winds, sensitive lip skin loses a lot of water and becomes rougher, prone to cracking.

Read also: How to avoid winter breathing problems

To avoid this unpleasant and painful feat, be careful with the use of lip moisturizers, do not fall into the temptation to moisten your lips with saliva (it only gets worse!) And never tear the? with your teeth as you can increase the injury and cause bleeding.

2. Have a facial moisturizer in your bag

In winter, applying one moisturizer in the morning and another at night may not be enough to keep your skin protected from the cold, increasing the possibility of dryness.

So it is worth investing in a miniature version of your favorite bag-to-day cream and applying it during the day as needed.

3. Eat dark chocolate

What a wonderful tip, isn't it? Research by German scientists has shown that dark chocolate flavonoids absorb UV light, help protect the skin and increase blood flow to skin tissue, and improve hydration by preventing cold drying.

Of course, we need not mention that consumption should be restricted to a maximum of two squares a day, because chocolate is a very caloric food.

Read also: Bath Moisturizers: How and Why to Use Them?

4. Keep using sunscreen every day

Even in winter or cloudy days, solar radiation continues to cause serious illnesses such as skin cancer and accelerating aging, as ultraviolet rays can pass through clouds and windows.

Therefore, you should keep the habit of using sunscreen with SPF of at least 30 daily. If you are not already into this habit, know that you do not have to wait until summer to start!

5. Take care of body ends

It is not just the skin of your face that suffers from winter, so you should also pay attention to your hands, elbows and knees. Because they have fewer sebaceous glands, these regions produce less natural oil and are more exposed to cold damage.

If you suffer from severe dryness in these areas of the body, a tip is to apply urea based products and exfoliate the skin to remove the layer of dead cells.

6. Avoid very hot and long baths

Of course no one wants to take a cold shower in the winter, but keep in mind that very hot and long baths are an assault on the skin, especially if you lather up and abuse hard sponges such as the dowels.

Read also: How to eat well in winter

This habit changes the composition of the hydrolipid layer (our natural moisturizer produced by the body) and makes the skin more susceptible to cold damage, favoring dryness.

If you notice that your skin is very sensitive or injured, be sure to see a dermatologist for a face-to-face assessment.

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