29 Tips To Lose Belly

A common wish among most people is to lose that unwanted little belly. But to achieve this goal, good professional guidance and strong willpower are required! After all, of course she will not? Disappear? suddenly, and the expected result is not the result of any miracle: it is the combination of healthy eating and physical activity and good living habits.

But, it is a fact that some tips may help. Below, check out some important guidelines that make all the difference when you are chasing your goal!

1. Eat every three hours: This is the first tip of sports nutritionist Vanessa Lobato. "It is very important to eat every three hours to keep the metabolism activated and avoid the feeling of hunger that makes us easily leave the diet," he says.

2. Avoid fried foods: Sports nutritionist Vanessa points out that they are the main villains in the diets of those seeking to lose weight and lose belly.

3. Stay well hydrated: Whether your biggest desire is to lose belly fat, lose weight or simply be healthier, staying well hydrated is critical. And a good idea in this regard is to always carry a small bottle of water wherever you go.

4. Do not take sodas: Nutritionist Vanessa points out that they are also villains in the diet, "due to the high content of sugars, dyes and chemicals that hinder the proper functioning of our body."

5. Avoid light / zero refrigerant: According to Vanessa Lobato, even zero / light versions should be avoided because of excess dyes, sweeteners, sodium, which cause inflammation. "As for sugar, there is no such soda, which reduces the caloric value, but due to other excesses and lack of nutrients, consumption should be sporadic," he adds.

6. Drink some water before eating: Nutritionist Vanessa explains that drinking a little water, about half an hour before eating, helps a little in satiety. "But avoid drinking large amounts, so as not to delay digestion," he says.

7. Do not drink during meals: Vanessa Lobato explains that this habit causes the acid content of the stomach to be diluted, causing a delay in digestion. ? Another factor is that we stop chewing properly and? Push? the food with the liquid. And the third point is that the high gastric volume caused by fluid consumption dilates the stomach, causing more stomach swelling?

8. Set aside a day to eat what you like: don't be so radical, so as not to turn your food education into a nightmare. Vanessa Lobato explains that we have desires to be satisfied, so we can sporadically consume what gives us pleasure. The most important thing is to consume what we really enjoy and not eat because it has or because it is a party. Should we be selective about abuse?

9. Bet on a colorful plate: The more colorful a meal, the healthier it tends to be. Carrots, lettuce, spinach, pepper and tomatoes, for example, have striking colors and are great choices!

10. Take fast food off the menu: It is no secret that fast food is harmful to health. They are full of calories and fat and, among other harms, contribute (and much!) To the increase of unwanted belly.

11. Bet on the juices: Natural juices are great options to replace soda. However, even though they are healthy, they should not be consumed in excess.

12. Avoid the Sweets: Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are raw materials for energy production, but when consumed in excess, they are stored in the form of fat. In addition, sugars in general are closely associated with increased hunger and anxiety, favoring an increasing intake of food.

13. Do not overeat milk and dairy products: Can they, in addition to increasing the production of gases, generating abdominal bulging, disfavoring the intestinal microbiota and increasing inflammation? which, in turn, is very much associated with fat gain, in addition to other imbalances and pathologies.

14. Avoid processed foods: They are rich in preservatives, salt, sugar and generally poor in nutrients.

15. Avoid refined carbohydrates: Refined foods (breads, rice, crackers) are often low in vitamins and minerals.

16. Wait a while before repeating: Did you know it takes a few minutes for your stomach to realize that it is satisfied? This is why it is important that you wait and think a while before repeating your plate.

17. Eat slowly: Get into the habit of chewing slowly, without haste. Eating slowly will give you plenty of time to figure out when to stop. And it will give you better digestion and make you enjoy food better.

18. Reduce Salt Consumption: among other harms, it causes the body to retain fluid and look swollen.

19. Decrease or cut alcohol consumption: In addition to its intoxicating effect, alcohol is also catabolic, leading to loss of muscle mass and, consequently, decreased metabolism and fat gain.

20. Prepare your own foods: give preference to the food made at home. This is because, even some foods that promise to be appropriate to a diet, are often full of harmful health preservatives.

21. Check the labels: always pay attention to product labels. Many of them can be loaded with unpleasant substances and even unnecessary calories. Always talk to your nutritionist about the best options.

22. Don't Believe in Diets and Miracle Pills: It's no secret anymore! The only way to properly and effectively lose weight and consequently lose the belly is to do a dietary reeducation and practice physical activities. Disbelieve in products and schemes that promise virtually instant results.

23. Don't give up on your goal: It is not always easy. But even if you are taking a little longer to miss the desired measures, don't give up! Keep in mind that a weight loss process requires dedication and persistence.

24. Don't get caught in the balance: Losing weight on the scale is not everything. In fact, it is very likely that by practicing physical activity you will gain a little weight. But surely the positive results will be showing otherwise. Talk about this with your personal and your dietitian. And avoid weighing yourself daily.

25. Always count on the help of professionals: A weight loss process involves the work of different types of professionals. Go to a dietitian to work out a diet appropriate to your goals; Consult a physician before beginning any physical activity and always have the guidance of a physical educator to perform it.

26. Associate aerobic with strength training: Tássia Martins, professor of physical education at Contours Academy, points out that to lose the belly, the ideal is to associate aerobic training with strength training. She adds that it is important to strengthen the abdomen and for this, some specific exercises can be performed, which should be performed by a professional in the area.

27. Use the swiss ball: Professor Tássia Martins adds that performing exercises using the Swiss ball helps to lose stability, thus generating contraction of various muscles to maintain balance. "This process increases caloric expenditure, besides helping to strengthen the lower back and improve posture," he explains.

28. Avoid Stress: It can lead to greater weight gain, not only because people are more likely to eat when they are nervous, but also because our body, by detecting stress, releases a host of hormones that cause changes in metabolism.

29. Do not stop exercising and eating properly: Even if you have reached your goal, that is, you have lost that unwanted belly, do not give up on your diet and physical activity.

Finally, remember that you can even take a? Getaway? of the weight loss diet one day or another so you can eat or drink something you enjoy a lot. But, can not abuse! "The thought should be this: since I'm going to consume more energy, let her at least give me a lot of pleasure, which is really worth it," says Vanessa Lobato.

The dietitian adds that on this day that you are going to eat / drink something that you enjoy a lot, you should eat everyday meals normally. “So you will avoid a second mistake: eating what you shouldn't, plus not eating what you should!” Concludes.

These tips make it easy for you to follow your dietary education, exercise and continue to pursue your goal!

  • Food, Diets, Weight Loss
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