How to fight cellulite and localized fat with the modeling massage

The name is already quite suggestive and usually draws attention: modeling massage. It looks great and, not by chance, the procedure generates interest and some common questions, such as? What is the difference of this type of massage from conventional massage ??; Is it even possible to achieve a more modeled body? with the help of a massage, among others.

Ingrid Peres, dermatofunctional physiotherapist at Onodera Aesthetics, explains that the procedure consists of vigorous, rhythmic movements that have greater pressure than conventional massages.

And it is exactly these strenuous movements that are the differentials of the procedure, suitable for people who worry about localized fat and / or cellulite. Since the strongest movements of the massage aim to reach deeper layers of the skin.

In certain clinical / aesthetic centers, accessories are also used, such as rollers, textured balls, among others, to further intensify the shaping massage.

How is massage done and what are its benefits

Ingrid explains how the modeling massage is usually done:

Read also: 11 Ways to Eliminate or Decrease Accumulated Fat in the Back

  1. A cream with specific active ingredients is used to enhance the results of massage.
  2. The professional performs massages with rhythmic and "stronger" movements, with more pressure than in the case of conventional massages.
  3. A suction and kneading roller can be associated with the procedure.
  4. The movements are mainly promoted in regions with greater amount of adiposity and cellulite. And thus, they favor increased blood circulation and body shaping.

Regarding the benefits of the procedure, Marília Barboni Luz, dermatofunctional physiotherapist of L&L Space Life to the Body of São Paulo, licensed in Physical Education, Pilates instructor and functional training, explains:? The modeling massage has an effect on increasing local circulation causing that the tissue becomes more oxygenated, thus improving cellulite and reducing localized fat due to increased metabolism, and shaping the body due to strong and rapid massage ?.

What body parts can be worked with the technique?

Ingrid points out that the modeling massage can be done on the following body parts:

  • Arms;
  • Abdomen;
  • Legs;
  • Buttocks;
  • Calves;
  • Flanks;
  • Back.

Marília points out that the massage can be done all over the body. "But their best results are in the areas with the highest concentration of fat and cellulite," he says.

The physiotherapist Marília also points out that it is not usually to perform modeling massage in only one region: "or do it all over the body, or do it with a combination of equipment and massage," he says.

Regarding costs, it all depends on the location (clinic and city) where the treatment will be performed. But, according to Marilia, the full body shaping massage costs about $ 130 per session.

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Step-by-step videos for yourself to make at home

There are those who choose to do the modeling massage at home, although the results may not be the same as those achieved in a clinic, where they are professionals, with practice, who perform the massage. Some videos even show the step-by-step how to do a modeling self-massage.

1. Modeling self-massage by Andresa Ganacin

Andresa Ganacin gives tips and shows how to make your modeler self-massage, ideal for reducing measurements and adjusting the waist.

2. Self-massage in the abdomen by Vanessa Cardoso

In the video, Vanessa Cardoso shows how she performs her modeling self-massage in the abdomen region, using a cellulite-reducing cream.

3. Decreasing Measures at Home by Nathalia Serenna

Nathalia Serenna shows you the step-by-step of the home-made massage that, combined with proper nutrition and training, helps you achieve good results.

4. How to lower your measurements by Andressa Chaban

Andressa Chaban teaches her how to do a self-massage that she uses on her belly and thighs, which she says yields results.

Read also: 9 aesthetic treatments to shape the body and reduce localized fat

Ingrid points out that the biggest difficulty, when doing the modeling self-massage, is to be able to apply it on the back, where usually is the largest accumulation of fat and cellulite.

For those who want to do self-styling at home, Ingrid advises choosing the cream according to what one would like to treat: cellulite, fat or sagging.

Contraindications of the technique

Ingrid points out that the modeling massage is not indicated in the following cases:

  • Cancer;
  • Fever;
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Excessive sagging;
  • Pregnant;
  • Cardiac insufficiency.

Modeling massage x other procedures: what are the differences?

See below the main differences between modeling massage, lymphatic drainage and cryolipolysis.

Lymphatic Drainage X Modeling Massage

Ingrid explains that the modeler uses a deeper, faster massage technique and there is no sense of application. ? Lymphatic drainage is a more superficial, slower technique and has a specific meaning for stimulation of the lymphatic system. There are different indications: the modeler activates the blood circulation and reduces the fat layer; drainage reduces edema and stimulates the lymphatic system ?, he says.

"The drainage lasts 60 minutes and the modeling massage has variations, depending on the treated areas, but is between 30 to 50 minutes," adds Ingrid.

Costs vary widely, but according to Ingrid, about 30 minutes of modeling massage usually costs $ 70, while 50 minutes of lymphatic drainage costs about $ 108.

Cryolipolysis X Modeling Massage

Marilia explains that cryolipolysis, unlike modeling massage, is not a massage, but a device that has as effective a result as liposculpture. It is a procedure that must be performed once in each region of the body, and we can only perform the procedure in the same region again after three months, as this is the time it takes for the result to appear.

• During cryolipolysis, the person feels uncomfortable at first, after a while, already feels more comfortable. The region becomes sore after the session and may form a bruise on the site. The value ranges from 700,00 reais and 1,200 reais per region ?, says Marilia.

Ingrid points out that cryolipolysis uses a controlled temperature-negative cooling method. And because the fat cell is sensitive to cold, freezing destroys its membranes, some being metabolized by the liver and the other reused by the body. And, what is left of this break is eliminated by the lymphatic system. "The modeling massage is a massage that consists of massage of rhythmic movements, vigorous, with greater pressure than conventional massages," he says.

To find out which treatment is right for each case, the advice is to go to a clinic you trust and make an assessment.

How to potentiate your modeling massage

Basic care enhances the effects achieved with the modeling massage:

  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet;
  • Perform at least one type of physical activity;
  • Exfoliate the skin before massage. Which, according to Marília, increases the permeability of the actives contained in the cream;
  • Do not eat at a time too close to the session;
  • Associating massage with equipment such as Heccus, endermology, Russian current, among others, is also a good tip, according to Marília.

Frequently asked questions about treatment

Dermatofunctional physiotherapist Marilia clarifies the main doubts about the procedure:

1. How many modeling massage sessions are needed and how often?

Marilia: at least 10 sessions with frequency of 2 times a week.

2. Which professionals can perform the procedure?

Marilia: professionals with courses in the field of aesthetics or training in physiotherapy with specialization in dermatofunctional.

3. Can the modeling massage cause any damage to the skin?

Marilia: do not. You can only leave bruises due to the force used in the massage.

4. What type of product / cream is used in modeling massage?

Marilia: creams with reducing actives.

5. Does modeling massage hurt?

Marilia: In the first sessions it can hurt, especially if the person has a lot of cellulite. But over time, the pain subsides.

6. The effects achieved in the massage massage last / can last how long?

Marilia: The effects of the modeler last as long as the client maintains healthy eating and physical activity, so as not to put on weight, but we suggest that she never stop the massage. Maintenance is important to prevent cellulite and localized fat from returning. For maintenance, only one session per month can be performed.

Remember: no procedure works miracles! In order to have a "more shaped body" with less localized fat and less cellulite, you need to adopt some essential habits, such as maintaining a balanced diet and exercising frequently. But of course, modeling massage can be a great ally!


  • Body, Massage, Lose Belly
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